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Wild and Uncertain Times: Energetic, Spiritual, and Botanical Care for cold and flu season

We’re living in wild and uncertain times. With major events cancelled, schools closed, and empty shelves in our stores, most of us are feeling destabilized—at the very least—on some level. 

It’s natural for each of us to respond to destabilizing events differently, depending on our past trauma, our abilities to regulate our nervous system, the degree to which our lives are already impacted, and more. 

Some people sense massive changes ahead and are concerned about the future. 
Some are fearful for their families’ survival and are stockpiling supplies. 
Some think this is all overblown and are more concerned about panic than the virus. 
Some are fearful of crashing economies and changing ways of life. 
Some are hopeful that this will bring about a greener future.

During these times, compassion is key. For others and for yourself. For the wide range of human responses we experience. This is new. Times are changing. 

As a shamanic practitioner and botanical medicine maker, I now realize that I’ve spent a lifetime preparing for times such as these. And I have no doubt that, on some level, you have too. 

Now is the time to reflect on your true reasons for coming into this life. Ask yourself:

What unique gifts do I carry? 
What I can share with a world in need? 
What impact do I want to make on our collective? 
How can I help us shift from fear and separation to greater healing and connection? 

A couple years ago, I was channeling the great goddess Isis during a group ceremony. Through me, Isis spoke the words, “Ride the waves.”

Ride the waves. She said in no uncertain terms that change was coming. When we ride the waves, we don’t resist. We stay present and we respond. We flow and trust, for there is nothing else we can do.

I am doing my best to ride the waves right now, to cultivate health and peace and meaning as the systems around me shut down. I hope what I share here helps you, as well.

Below, you’ll find …

  1. Tips and practices for managing stress

  2. Energetic hygiene practices

  3. Herbs to support your well-being

  4. Aromatherapy recipes

  5. Flower essence recommendations

1. Manage Stress

We know that increased stress lowers the immune system—but destressing feeds the spirit. Some ideas:

  • Meditate—Insight Timer and YouTube have tons of free meditations in all sorts of styles.

  • Breathe—Pause and watch your breath, count slowly to 10, practice pranayama or another breathwork technique. Whatever you do, breathe.

  • Hop on the phone with people you love—Social distancing doesn’t have to mean social isolation!

  • Watch comedies—Because laughter is the best medicine. 

  • Create—Write, paint, sing, code, cook … What’s calling you?

  • Practice yoga, tai chi, or qi gong—These practices move energy in ways that reduce stress and boost your immune system. 

  • Limit your news exposure—Stay informed but not obsessed. 

  • Be present with your family—Everything is radically different and you’re likely focused on surviving vs thriving. Be gentle and find joy in the little things. And forgive yourself when you flip out.

  • Start a gratitude practice—Focus on the good. It’s the perfect antidote to all the negative.

  • Get into nature—Research is finally catching up with the healing power of nature. Even better, find a quiet place and ask the spirits of nature for a healing.

  • Do all the healthy things—You know, eat lots of fruits and veggies, exercise, sleep a lot, take your vitamins, stay hydrated ... this is the time to really commit to your well-being.

  • But don’t stress out about perfection—Trust yourself, and when you want some coffee and chocolate (or whatever else your body asks for), take the time to savor it. 

  • Use herbs and aromatherapy ... more on that below :)

2. Cultivate Energetic Hygiene

You’ve heard of a mind-body-spirit approach to health, right? Well, I believe in a mind-body-energy-spirit approach. Here are two simple practices to keep your energy clear and protected.

Energetic Sovereignty Practice

Right now, we’re experiencing massive levels of collective fear and anxiety. From an energetic perspective, this creates powerful thought forms that can affect all of us—in other words, we’re subconsciously and energetically picking up on everyone else’s fear, and it’s magnifying our own. Our systems aren’t built for this.

Yet, energetic sovereignty is your birthright. (Helping people clear their energy from foreign influences is one of the main things I do during shamanic sessions.) Here’s a simple practice to help you get started:

  1. Prepare yourself for a short meditation. Find a quiet place and get comfortable.

  2. Ask your helping spirits, angels, or even the universe—whatever language works for you—to clear your field of thought forms that are not your own. Relax and simply allow this to happen.

  3. Notice your physical body and any sensations that arise. Notice fear-based thoughts that might appear and watch them flow out of your awareness. 

  4. When this process feels complete, ask for any of your own fear-based thoughts to be healed so that you may respond from empowerment vs. reactivity to whatever arises.

  5. Again, notice your body sensations and thoughts. 

  6. When the process feels complete, give thanks for your healing. Allow true, deep gratitude to fill your heart. 

Energetic Protection Practice

Along with regular health and hygiene protocols, energy hygiene is an important part of staying healthy. The following practice is based on transfiguration—the art of healing with spiritual light. I go into greater depth with this in my workshops, but here’s a simple practice you can do right now. Try to do this at least once a day:

  1. Prepare yourself for a short meditation. Find a quiet place and get comfortable.

  2. Tune into the sensations in your heart center. Rest here as your mind quiets.

  3. Bring awareness to your heartlight, the beautiful, healing light in your heart. This light is pure divinity and spirit, and it is within you.

  4. Watch as this light grows. Notice that it is slowly filling every cell of your body with spiritual light. 

  5. See this light grow beyond your physical body, filling your entire energy field with protective light.

  6. Notice how this light has filled every molecule and beyond. There is no room for any foreign energy in your field because you are already full. You are one with divine perfection.

  7. Rest in this state for as long as you can.

If you’d like personal support during these times, feel free to reach out. I’m offering discounted virtual sessions to anyone in need.

3. Incorporate Healing Herbs into Your Daily Routine

See my post on simple ways to add immune-boosting herbs and foods into your diet here. You’ll find recipes for herbal tea, healing broths, and a totally magical ginger elixir.

4. Use Essential Oils

I use essential oils to support the well-being of myself and my loved ones throughout each day—from healing salves to bath salts to sleepy time diffuser blends. I’ll be sharing a many more recipes to get you through these wild times soon—be sure to follow my Facebook Page, where I post diffuser blends regularly. 

For now, here are a few diffuser blends to support your well-being on many levels:

Anti-Influenza Diffuser Blend 

  • 5 drops eucalyptus globulus or radiata

  • 1 drop saro, ravintsara, or cinnamon bark

  • 1 drop niaouli (optional)

Why these oils? They are all high in 1,8 cineole, which is great for getting rid of airborne microbes. Plus, if you're already congested, 1,8 cineole rich oils can provide relief.

Family-Friendly Relax & Restore Blend

  • 2 drops lavender

  • 2 drops sweet marjoram

  • 1 drop green mandarine

  • 1 drop Roman chamomile

All of these oils are both incredibly relaxing and safe for kids :)

Hand Sanitizer

Ok. There is a hand sanitizer shortage nation-wide, and I’m happy to share a good recipe with you all. But let’s have a little reality check first:

  1. Covid-19 is airborne. Washing your hands and not touching your face is good, but it does not make you magically immune.

  2. Washing your hands with water is better than hand sanitizer whenever possible. According to Jessie Hawkins, PhD at the Franklin Institute of Wellness, water and friction alone is actually very effective for getting rid of viruses.

  3. Hand sanitizers are ineffective on physically dirty hands—get the dirt off and then use the sanitizer.

  4. Hand sanitizer isn’t actually effective against viruses, but it’s better than nothing. 

  5. Any efficacy, at least for bacterial infections, comes from the alcohol content, not the essential oils, though essential oils can enhance the effectiveness — use at least 70% alcohol.

So, hand sanitizers are better than nothing, and essential oils and alcohol are much safer than the antibacterial hand sanitizers you see in the store (but that’s another post …). Just remember, they probably won’t actually do much against covid-19.

DIY Essential Oil Hand Sanitizer

  • 2oz vodka OR 1oz everclear and 1oz distilled water

  • 1tsp aloe vera (optional)

  • 90 drops essential oils

There are many great essential oils to choose from, including, peppermint, lemon, lime, lavender, lemongrass, cinnamon, oregano, clove, tea tree, eucalyptus, palmarosa, and many more. Feel free to experiment. Options I like include a blend of peppermint, lemon, and lime, or lavender, lemongrass, and tea tree.

5. Enjoy the Power of Flowers

Flower essences work on subtle, spiritual levels. Given that many people are experiencing a transformation in how they relate to their spiritual well-being right now, flower essences can be very helpful. Here are a few:

  • Bach’s Rescue Remedy—for shock and trauma

  • Aspen—for fear, especially ongoing and underlying fears

  • Lavender—for calm and harmony

  • Dandelion—for relaxation and joy

  • Valerian—for deep peace and calm

See this content in the original post

Now let’s be clear—I’m not a doctor, epidemiologist, or expert on covid-19 by any stretch of the imagination. Do your own research and follow CDC guidelines, for the love!

I am, however, deeply attuned to spirit, my inner sense of resilience, and the gifts plants offer us. I hope what I’ve shared here is helpful as you navigate the wild waves ahead.