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Are You Scared of an Animal? Here's What Spirit Has to Say...

What does it mean if you're scared of, or don't like, your power animal? Is there a hidden meaning when you have a fear of a particular animal in general?

In every intro to shamanism class I've taught, at least one student has received a power animal that made them uncomfortable. And I view this as an excellent opportunity...

Our power animals offer us just what the name suggests—POWER. True spiritual power that helps us decondition from false constructs and remember that we have far more ability to steer the direction of our lives than we may realizing.

When you connect with your spiritual power, your soul takes the lead and you enter unknown territory. And you know what doesn't like this? What wants to keep you small and safe and in the realm of the known? Your ego.

And what better way to keep you separate from your power than to make you afraid of it?

I remember years ago, at least a decade now, I dreamed that I was eaten by a crocodile. This dream was so insanely impactful that I developed a fear of crocodiles and alligators that lasted for years. On one level, I loved and appreciated them as part of the animal kingdom, but on a more subtle, embodied level, I felt fear whenever I saw them.

And I even saw one in the wild—only six feet from me! While kayaking in Queensland, I pulled up onto a beach and looked over only to see a baby crocodile calmly watching me.

This was both scary and exhilarating. And something shifted.

I now realize, through years of shamanic experience and study, that the crocodile that appeared in my dream so long ago was initiating me into its medicine through a dismemberment—one of the most traditional and time-honored forms of initiation.

When I understood crocodile’s true relationship with me, I began to work more intentionally with crocodile as a spirit guide. And wow. Talk about a powerhouse ally! So much power had been cut off from me when I resisted its medicine.

Now whenever I see a crocodile, my heart swells with love. All I see is beauty and all I feel is gratitude. The shift in my response has been a full-bodied transformation.

If you receive a power animal that you're scared of, take time to learn about its gifts and lifestyle. The more we know and understand our animals, the more we can appreciate and eventually learn to love them.

And, if you have an unexplained phobia or dislike of a particular animal, perhaps this is a signpost—where might you be afraid or resistant to your own gifts and power?

For help exploring these important questions, take a look at the Spirit Animal Workshop. It will guide you step-by-step through everything you need to know about claiming your power through your power animal relationships.

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