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Rooted: A Seasonal Grounding Practice

Autumn is a season for roots and rooting. 

Those of us who forage and wildcraft know that this is the time to harvest our wild roots—dandelion, chicory, salsify, osha (if you're lucky and it’s sustainable where you are), solomon’s seal, and so many more earthy medicines await. The gardeners among us might celebrate the carrots, daikon, sunchokes, beets, and other root veggies that will continue to nourish us through the winter months. 

This is also a time of year for us to turn to our ancestral roots, as we celebrate Halloween, Samhain, and Dia de los Muertos with the thin veils of the season. For some, this rooting comes in the form of ancestral altars that are alight with photographs, candles, and offerings. For some, it’s as simple as tuning into ancestral rhythms -- preparing seasonal soups and herbal medicines to carry us through the cooling weather. 

I find that this time of year lays the perfect ground for rooting into the Earth, as well—grounding ourselves, energetically as well as physically, to carry us through the holiday festivities to come. We tune into our root chakra and the land we live upon, sending energetic roots into the Earth while the ground is still welcoming and soft, before winter’s freezes come. 

You’re invited to try the following practice any time you’d like to ground and root into the earth. 

Root Chakra Grounding Practice

  1. Find a comfortable seat. Take a few deep breaths and make any movements to get just a bit more comfortable.

  2. Bring awareness to your root chakra. Feel the energy begin to grow. You might even see the color red become brighter as you energize this chakra with your attention.

  3. Feel a cord of light begin to extend down from your root into the earth. You may see this as a glowing cord or the roots of a tree..

  4. Feel this energetic cord extend downward until it meets the energetic core of the earth. 

  5. Feel your rooting cord sink into the core of the earth and begin to breathe this earth energy back up through the cord into your body.

  6. Continue to breathe and feel the beautiful energy from the Earth’s core rise to meet your energy field and root chakra. Notice how this energy feels grounding, nurturing, and abundant. 

  7. Enjoy this feeling for several breaths, knowing you can return to this practice anytime you need grounding.

If you’d like more grounding support this season, check out my Rooted Magical Bitters, which are newly available in the apothecary. These bitters taste like a bitter, spicy root beer and contain herbs and flower essences to help you stay grounded throughout the winter. 

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