During these times, I find it important to practice the art of discernment. Discernment is the ability to look at a situation with clear sight and neutrality. Discernment takes practice, and now is the perfect time.
True discernment comes when you honor your inner knowing over the opinions of others. This inner knowing is free from strong emotions and non-judgemental. It is simply seeing with clear eyes and a clear heart what is true. Ask yourself:
What information is actually appropriate for me to take in right now?
What happens in my body when I’m aligned with the truth? With falsities?
What is my intuition trying to tell me, and where am I falling into rationalization or fear-driven thinking?
What is true for me now, in this moment?
What might be true beyond the superficial appearance of things?
The more you learn to tune into the truth and trust your inner knowing, the less you’ll be knocked off center when chaos arises.
As part of a daily meditation practice, ask yourself, what can I be shown right now that is true? Notice what arises—the images, sensations, emotions. Overtime, you’ll learn to trust your own discernment as a new ally in life.