Work with me
My work combines energy healing, depth coaching, and guided trance states to help you awaken the wild and wise self within.
We partner with the spirits of the natural world and sacred plant medicine on this path.
This is a journey back to who you are, your most authentic and joyful self.
We begin by unhooking and unwinding all that is not yours to carry. Then we call home the beauty and fullness that is you.
This is soul restoration. This is magic. This is wild alchemy.
Principles of Wild Alchemy Healing
Through my natural medium and channeling abilities, I transmit healing frequencies that bring you into deeper connection with spirit.
I also work with the frequency of sacred aromatics and plant spirit medicine to offer energetic attunements that bring you into coherence.
Mythoanimism is alchemy. It is story meets animism. It is partnership with earth, spirit, and cosmos. It illuminates the wild and wonderful way back to yourself. And it is the foundation of my offerings here at Alchemessence.
Modern life encourages us to forget our worth and our power. We become domesticated in incidental and intentional ways.
Spiritual rewilding brings us back into alignment with our true nature, and from here, we become the powerful creators we are meant to be.
Empathy is our natural way of being in the world, and you can absolutely learn to lean into your natural sensitivity and intuitive ways of knowing without overwhelming your system.
There are myriad beings who love you and want to support you in this life — benevolent ancestors, angels, deities, fae, spirit animals, and so many more.
Our work deepens your relationship with your own personal spirit team, allowing you to find your own answers whenever you need them.
We were enticed into form with the promise of pleasure — and delighting the senses is a divine imperative. It catalyzes gratitude, love, and joy, which function as cosmic offerings of thanks.
And bodies can be challenging — no myth of perfection here. Compassion and tending, especially in partnership with the plants, is key.
Depending on your needs and interests, we may bring in astrological chart readings to better understand your unique blueprint, oracles and runes for divination, crystal grids for anchoring energy, sound healing to support frequency shifts, anointing practices for energy work, and much more.
Gone are the days when you needed a guru or priest to facilitate your connection with the divine. These times call for each of us to claim our individual spiritual gifts in service of the whole. Even in the face of modern-day censorship and persecution, the wise and wild are not to be tamed.
If you’re a sensitive soul, you feel this. And it can feel uncomfortable if you don’t know how to navigate these changes. Our work aligns your energy with that of the highest potential for our Earth, empowering you to be well and be of service in these wild times.
I believe that you are worthy of love exactly as you are — you don’t need to do anything to earn your existence.
I believe that you are already whole and divine, even when you might feel broken.
I believe that it is safe for you to embody your full power and speak your truth, even if it feels scary.
And I believe that when you recognize these truths about yourself, the entire world will change.