Wild Alchemy Sessions
Wild Alchemy Sessions are my most potent offering for working together. A blend of spiritual coaching, counsel, and mentorship, we meet one-on-one in a sacred container for three months or more.
Choose the path that’s right for you.
All of us are creative beings in a creative universe, and unlocking your unique expression of this energy is your birthright. Whether you wish to launch a business, write a book, teach a new course, paint a transformational art series, or simply live a more creative life…this pathway is designed to help you bring your heartfelt dreams to life through creative coaching and mentorship.
Mentorship is for healers and spiritual practitioners who are either already working with others or would like to do so. From further cultivating your own medicine, to processing your work with clients, to growing your practice…this pathway is designed to help you become the most effective, skillful, and joyful practitioner you can be.
The spiritual journey can be a true delight…and it can be confusing, dark, and lonely, too. For those seeking a safe and judgment-free container to explore all that arises on the spiritual path, this is for you. Exploring supportive spiritual practices, healings, and insights form the core of this pathway.
The importance of integration after significant psychedelic experiences cannot be overstated. While everyone is unique, our work together will likely share a few key elements: First, we explore your energetic system to ensure that you are whole, well, and that no foreign energy is present. Then, we look at your experience through mental, emotional, and spiritual lenses to uncover both deeper meanings and practical actions.
This is a specific healing sequence that comes to us from Jade Purity Taoism. Using custom essential oil blends, select acupoints, and guided meditations, you will go on a journey to release the “ghosts” of your past and discover newfound freedom.
How to Get Started
The best way to get started is to schedule a Connection Call with me.
This call is a sacred time for us to connect, learn about each other, and explore whether Wild Alchemy Sessions are right for you at this time.
book your call
Your Guide
At this point, I imagine that you might be wondering — But who are you? What makes you qualified to guide me on this journey home?
I don’t know that “qualifications” really apply to this work in the traditional sense…but if they do, I have all of them (and then some). And I’m always weaving them together to create lovingly transformative sessions.
But I think what you’re really wanting to know is…
What’s your superpower? What is that magic ingredient you bring to this work?
First, I am really, ridiculously good at guiding you into your subconscious, into the spirit realms, and into communication with the spirits who love you.
Second, I am really, ridiculously good at channeling, reading, and shifting the energy that underlies all our experiences.
Together, these two gifts enable me to clear the way for your own inner travels to be more meaningful and transformative.
This alchemical journey opens the pathway for you to…
Step into your fullness and worth.
Align with your unique ways of being in service and making an impact.
Connect with your intuition.
Heal not only yourself, but your ancestors and generations to come.
Be a voice and ally for the Earth.
Remember your spiritual sovereignty and innate divinity.
Feel clear on your soul mission.
Embody the spiritual power that is your birthright.
Reconnect with your own magic, and the magic all around you.
And…even with all this fullness, let’s remember that we’re human.
We don’t eradicate difficulty as we grow—but we do, hopefully, meet it with more grace.
Here’s what our work together will look like:
First, we’ll set a strong, safe, and sacred container that creates space for your most heartfelt desires to emerge.
Then, through healing trance states and other alchemical practices, I’ll guide you into deeper resonance with your true nature.
Along the way, I’ll facilitate energetic healings and attunements that help you more easily receive your own answers, connect with your own guides, and live your own magic.
Who I Work With
My clients are diverse but tend to have a few things in common: they are heart-centered, they love the Earth, and they want to live a life of meaning.
I specialize in holding space for all stages of the spiritual journey—from those just learning how to trust themselves and connect with spirit, to those who have been on this path for lifetimes and want a sacred and tight container for inner exploration.
I especially love working with folks who have already done a good amount of personal work. Now it’s time to go deeper: What collective influences or curses are still at play? What forces from beyond this lifetime might need addressing? What has been buried even further beneath the surface?
I work with Earth allies and nature lovers—helping to tend grief around the state of our world while finding more empowering visions for the future. You will communicate directly with the Earth and spirits of nature and learn healing techniques for planetary and personal wellness.
I work with healers, teachers, creatives, and highly sensitive folks from all walks of life—to protect their energy and avoid burning out, tap into cosmic sources of inspiration, cultivate greater compassion and skill, and more.
I work with anyone committed to bringing our world back into cosmic balance. Women who are unweaving internalized patriarchy, reclaiming their worth, and walking the priestess path. Men who are committed to uncovering their own authenticity and power, outside of patriarchal programming. And I work with those who do not fall into these traditional gender categories at all, who are manifesting new (and ancient) ways of being in this world.
Wild Alchemy Sessions may be especially helpful if…
You’ve been on the path of spiritual exploration and personal growth for a long time (lifetimes, even), and you want a strong and sacred container to go deeper
You’re highly sensitive and this world can feel rough at times—and you know it’s time to embrace your sensitivity as a gift while learning to better protect yourself
You work with clients yourself, and are looking for mentorship, guidance, and personal healing to support your work
You have wild, creative ideas and goals, and you want support bringing these visions to life
You are ready to confront the subconscious patterns and beliefs that hold you back from creating a more loving, meaningful life
You are committed to healing your ancestral legacy for generations to come
You’re experiencing a spiritual awakening, and want support from someone who’s been there
You deeply love our Earth, and you want to tend your grief and learn to heal our planet in truly impactful ways
You’re ready to open your own intuitive abilities even more—so you can trust your own guidance and even communicate with beings in the natural and spirit worlds
You sense that we’re at a collective tipping point regarding our future, and you want to be part of creating the a new golden age of consciousness on Earth
You know you’re capable of more than your current experience, and you’re ready to do the deep work that will allow your greatest life to unfold—whether that’s more meaningful and loving relationships, more aligned career and work, or more wellness on every level
Wild Alchemy Sessions are probably not for you if…
You believe that I can heal you.
Healing, growth, and real transformation are inside jobs. I will hold space, offer guidance, and facilitate powerful transmissions of energy, but you are always in charge of your own journey.
You expect fast, immediate results.
This isn’t a quick fix (do those ever really work?). True transformation takes time. You’ll face plateaus. You’ll experience resistance. And you might even wonder if “it’s working”at times. And it’s all worth it.
You think that once you’re healed and in touch with your true self, your life will be perfect and you’ll forever be happy.
If only! In reality, no amount of inner work or spiritual connection will stop you from experiencing loss and grief, making mistakes, and facing really hard challenges that the world sends your way. You will continue to cycle through life’s ups and downs again and again, but with greater wisdom along the way.
You are experiencing intense trauma and are unable to self-regulate.
We all have varying degrees of trauma in our backgrounds and our lives, and tending trauma is absolutely something we can explore together. That said, this container is for deepening into yourself and expanding your capacity to be in the world. If you’re not at a place where this feels safe, find the support you need with someone who specializes in trauma recovery first.
You aren’t willing to show up fully, openly, and honestly on this journey together.
We are entering into a sacred partnership, one that requires both of us to trust each other and bring our full selves into the container.
You aren’t into the woo.
This work is very, very woo.
You’re only into the woo.
This work is grounded, too.
Packages & Pricing
Your Wild Alchemy Sessions include three to six months of support, with 1:1 meetings held via Zoom and recommendations for ritual, ceremony, journaling, anointing, and more in between our calls.
The cost ranges from $1200 - $3600 depending on your level of support, and both can be paid in full or with a payment plan.
You’ll also receive:
multiple downloadble workbooks and worksheets to support your journey
client-only discounts on custom products and additional sessions
access to quarterly group events
Begin your journey
The best way to get started is to schedule a Connection Call with me.
This call is a sacred time for us to connect, learn about each other, and explore whether Wild Alchemy Sessions are right for you at this time.
book your call
During this 30-40 minute call, I’ll hold space for you to honestly reflect on where you are and where you want to go. This is an opportunity for you to drop deep into your own guidance—which is the perfect start to the work we’ll be doing together ;)
All Wild Alchemy sessions are designed to guide you back home to your wild and wise self.
We meet 1:1. You set the intentions. I serve as your guide.
First, you unravel the legacies, patterns, and bindings that have separated you from your true nature. Then, you reclaim the innate gifts, power, and worth that are your birthright.
And then, you cycle through this process again and again. Coming home to ourselves is a practice, not a goal. We unweave and we reweave in a cosmic dance with the soul.