Reawaken Your Wild And Wise Self

It's time to remember who you really are. 
And I believe that you are magical… 
Powerful in the best way possible...
Capable of embodying more love and joy than you realize… 
And that you are here, on this Earth at this time, for a reason.

I’m a certified coach, shamanic teacher, and plant healer.

I’m an author, artist, and alchemist.

And I’m devoted to helping you come back to the heart of who you are and why you’re here.

I invite you to…

  • Step into your fullness and worth.

  • Connect with your intuition.

  • Embody the spiritual power that is your birthright.

  • Feel a sense of true belonging—within the web of life, the earth, and the cosmos.

  • Reconnect with your own magic, and the magic all around you.

Wild Alchemy Healing

Our ecological crisis requires cosmological solutions.

We live in wild times—and wild solutions are needed for the challenges we face in our personal and collective lives.

I believe that the wildness of the natural world reflects our own wildness back to us.

Your wild self is the true you, who you were before life’s pain and programming made you forget how beautiful, worthy, and capable you really are.

Coming home to our wild selves is an alchemical journey.

Here’s Where You Can Begin

Wild Alchemy Ritual Guide

Discover 5 rituals for healing & manifestation in this 35-page ebook. Free for a limited time.

Free shamanic Intro Class

Explore the five main causes of illness from a shamanic perspective―and learn how to heal them—in this one-hour online class.

The Mythoanimist Path

Dive into a growing library of free articles, podcasts, and more at my Substack, The Mythoanimist Path.

Sacred Aromatics

I create natural perfumes as transmissions of spiritual, energetic, and botanical alchemy to support your own wild journey. 

These are healing perfumes, designed to connect you with both the natural world and the spiritual dimensions of reality. Each bottle contains:

rare and opulent oils • hand ground resins • wildcrafted tinctures • small batch distillations • sacred aromatics • ritual & spiritual transmissions

By bringing together the aroma, art, and artistry of classical perfumery with spiritual alchemy, I create natural perfumes that offer transcendent fragrances and act as catalysts for the soul’s awakening. —Juniper Stokes

My approach

I’ve been studying, practicing, and teaching spiritual healing, Earth medicine, and botanical alchemy for over two decades, including:

  • A two-year shamanic teacher training with Sandra Ingerman and years of study with Betsy Bergstrom

  • A year-long coaching certification training with the Institute for Applied Depths

  • Ongoing mentorship in Taoist alchemical healing and anointing practices

  • A 610-hour clinical aromatherapy certification and two-year herbalism training

  • Advanced astrology and Hermetic magic practices with The School of Heaven and Earth

  • Formal mentorship with the preeminent natural perfumer’s today

  • Teacher trainings in yoga, pranayama, and meditation

  • Egyptian aromatics with Egyptologist Dora Goldsmith

  • And a whole lot more, which you can see below

  • I am delighted Juniper Stokes has brought her work out into the world. Juniper has a real gift for all she passionately offers. Anyone taking a workshop, seeing Juniper as a client, or buying some of her sacred herbal products will be introduced to fresh ideas, a compassionate and brilliant practitioner and teacher, and a path back to balance and healing. Juniper’s work is exceptional!

    — Sandra Ingerman, MA, world renowned shamanic teacher and best selling author of 13 books

  • Juniper is a soul with a genuine connection to the earth. Her workshop gave me a chance to contemplate my own relationship with mother earth and what gifts I can offer to her as well.

    — Teressa B.

  • Juniper is a wealth of knowledge that I was so excited to learn from. We journeyed together, we laughed, we cried and we ate plants - all in honor of their spirit and strengthening our connection to them.

    —Morgan B.

  • I found the way you normalized the darker aspects of this work refreshing. It’s time to bring that shadow to the light!

    — Sherri G.

  • Juniper is a gifted healer, teacher, and guide who skillfully weaves together an ethereal fabric of sight, wisdom, creativity, and compassion then wraps it around her clients with care and grace. I have found her shamanic guidance to be informative, transformative, and superlative...Juniper represents all that is balanced and beautiful in this world and beyond and I recommend her completely.

    — Heather P.

  • ​​I'm just delighted by the work you do! The way you synthesize wisdom and knowledge from across many traditions kind of blows my mind, actually….[in response to my coining the term “mythoanimism”] I've been wandering around in the somatic experience of this way of being in the world but have fallen short in my quest to find words and definitions to bring it into modern times in an appreciative way. When I read your word, all the tingles and brightening showed up. So thank you for that and thank you for your generosity in allowing me to pollinate that seed!

    — P.P.

  • Juniper is a true healer, see-er and knower of truth. I've been blessed to work with her on several occasions, and I can testify that she is the real deal. I've experienced many layers of healing and self revelation from her work. I believe she will be one of the great teachers and healers of our time. Get a session with her before she is booked for life!

    — Lisa G.


Juniper Stokes, MA, is a shamanic practitioner, mystic, botanical alchemist, and artist who offers an integrative pathway for awakening to your true essence through spiritual rewilding.

A lifelong student of consciousness and spirituality, Juniper has trained with energy healers, spiritual guides, and diverse shamanic practitioners worldwide, including a two-year teacher training in shamanism with Sandra Ingerman, as well as teacher trainings in yoga and pranayama. Juniper also has extensive and ongoing training in meditation, alchemy, astrology, and magick.

As a botanical alchemist, Juniper has been a practicing aromatherapist for nearly two decades, completing a 610-hour clinical certification. She enjoys formal mentorship with the preeminent natural perfumer’s today and is currently enrolled in a two-year herbalism program. For the past several years, Juniper has also studied plant communication, wildcrafting, and flower essences, apprenticing with both humans and the plants themselves.

Creativity and offerings of beauty are important elements of Juniper’s spiritual practice. She has a bachelor’s degree in studio art, and her mixed media paintings have been featured and sold in galleries both locally and internationally. By bringing together the art, aroma, and artistry of classical perfumery with spiritual alchemy, Juniper creates perfumes that offer transcendent fragrances and act as catalysts for the soul’s awakening. Read her artist statement here.

Juniper’s lineage is strongly influenced by personal study with her mentor, Sandra Ingerman, as well as Betsy Bergstrom, Jessika Siroi, Merlin Kenney, Anya McCoy, Roxanna Villa, Richard Miller, and many more. Her primary teachers, however, are the spirits themselves: her ancestors, the spirits of plants and fungi, and the myriad beings who support our journeys from beyond the veil.


Professional & In-Depth Trainings in Spiritual Study & Practice

  • Personal mentorship in Taoist Shamanic Healing with Jessika Siroi (2019-present)

  • Praxis: Astrology for Purpose and Prosperity with Merlin of Ancient Astrology (2024)

  • Theosis: Advanced Ritual Magick & Astrology with Merlin of Ancient Astrology (2023-2024)

  • Sacred Depths Coaching Certification with Joanna Lindenbaum (2023)

  • Gnosis: A Course in Hermetic Astrology & Ritual Magick with Merlin of Ancient Astrology (2023)

  • Völva, Vala, Norn: 9 month training in Norse shamanism with Betsy Bergstrom (2021-2022)

  • Psychic Protection & Energy Hygiene with Betsy Bergstrom (2022)

  • Advanced Curse & Thought-form Unraveling with Betsy Bergstrom (2021)

  • Compassionate Depossession Training with Betsy Bergstrom (2021)

  • Two-Year Shamanic Teacher Training with Sandra Ingerman (2018-2020)

  • Mediumship & Seidr with Betsy Bergstrom (2019)

  • Three-Year Shamanic Practitioner Training (2017-2019)

  • Maya Healing Intensive, herbal gatherings, and Ix Chel ceremonies with Ann Drucker (2014-2018)

  • Medicine for the Earth & Healing with Spiritual Light with Katherine Wood (2018)

  • Extraction Training with Sylvia Edwards (2018)

  • Five-year study with Amanda Fougler and the Foundation for Shamanic Studies (FSS), including: Shamanism and the Spirits of Nature; Shamanism, Dying and Beyond; Power Soul Retrieval; and Extraction (2012-2017)

  • Three-years study with Pixie Lighthorse's SoulLodge (2012-2015)

  • Visual Quest Shamanic Art Training with Pixie Lighthorse (2012)

  • Core Shamanism Basic Workshop (FSS) with Kim and Sean Leyland (2005)

  • Psychic Training and Tarot Mentorship with Cindy Gardner (Washington, 1997-1998)

  • Usui Reiki (Washington, 1996)

Additional Consciousness Study & Practice

  • The Healing Trauma Program with Jeffrey Rutstein (2022)

  • The Royal Science of Angels with Damien Echols (2021)

  • The Shamanic Path | A Sounds True Community, group lead & administrator (2019-2020)

  • The Subtle Body Online Training with Cyndi Dale ( 2019)

  • The Power of Awareness mindfulness meditation training with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach (2018)

  • The Shadow Course with Caroline Myss and Andrew Harvey (2017)

  • Six years work as an editorial writer for Sounds True (Through this job, I read and listened to hundreds of books and audio programs on spiritual practice and personal growth—it was basically an unofficial doctorate in spiritual wellness!)

Botanical Studies & Certifications

  • Depth study in Egyptian Aromatics with Egyptologist Dora Goldsmith (2021 - present)

  • Healing Oil Collective & Aroma Point Therapy with Tiffany Carole (2022)

  • The Herbal Academy’s Intermediate Herbalism Course (2022)

  • The Art of Botanical Perfume in-person and online training with Roxanna Villa (2019)

  • Jade Purity Tradition essential oil anointing, personal mentorship (2019-2020)

  • 610-hour Clinical Aromatherapy Certification with Beverly Hawkins at the West Coast Institute of Aromatherapy (2018)

  • One-year professional training with Anya McCoy at the Natural Perfumery Institute (2012)

  • Foundations of Aromatic Medicine (the internal use of essential oils) with the Franklin Institute of Wellness (2014)

  • National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy Conference (NAHA, 2013)

  • Herbal training and workshops with Ann Drucker, Brigitte Mars, Mindy Green, and the women at Rebecca’s Apothecary (2012 - 2017)

Yoga & Pranayama

  • iRest Yoga Nidra Intensive with Richard Miller in Boulder, CO (2018)

  • One-month Ashtanga Intensive at The Yoga Workshop in Boulder, CO (2013)

  • One-month Yoga Teacher Training (RYT 200) in Ubud, Bali (2011)

  • Three-week Pranayama teacher training at Samahita, Thailand (2011)

  • 20+ years overall experience with intensive training at Sun & Moon Yoga, Tokyo; at Samahita, Thailand; and throughout Bali, Greece, and the United States

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