Free Resources

Welcome! If you’re just getting started around here, this is a good place to begin. Here, you’ll find all the free gifts I’ve created over the years. As an artist and writer, I try to make every offering as beautiful as possible. From my heart to yours, may these bring you much joy!

Free Articles on Substack

My Substack, The Mythoanimist Path, is where I share in-depth articles and enjoy ongoing conversations with my readers and fellow writers.

Most articles are free, and I’ll send you a list of my favorites when you subscribe :)

Wild Alchemy ritual guide

This 45-page guide shares five rituals for healing and manifestation, each integrating elemental magic and recipes for sacred aromatics. And yes, the entire ritual guide is free!

Guides to Plant Magic & Medicine

Free ebook

Three pages of a brochure or book titled 'Flowering Soul' by Juniper Stokes, featuring floral images and text about flower essences on a gradient background.

Journey into the art and practice of flower essence healing with this beautiful, in-depth guide.

Free workshop

Forest background with overlay text "A Shamanic Guide to Illness & Health" and a small logo at the bottom right. "ALCHEMESSENCE" appears at the bottom overlain on the image.

Explore the five main causes of illness from a shamanic perspective―and how to heal them — in this free video workshop.

Free Ritual Guide

A digital collage titled "Egyptian Rituals" showcasing three overlapping pages of a document. The central page features a cover titled "Daily Rituals for the Five Sacred Epagomenal Days" with an image of an ancient Egyptian temple. The side pages include text and images related to Egyptian themes, such as temples and pyramids. The design uses warm colors and geometric patterns for an ancient aesthetic.

Learn how to do five Egyptian Deity Rituals with this beautiful guide. Includes secrets for celebrating the ancient Egyptian New Year.

Free PDF

Promotional image for a book titled 'How to Use Hydrosols: 44 Creative Ideas' by Juniper Stokes, featuring a copper pot with pink petals.

Discover the alchemy of hydrosols with 44 creative uses!