2023 Energy Forecast: Confrontation, Miracles, and Nourishment


In our great arc of transformation, 2020 and 2021 were shocks to the system, radical shake ups to disrupt our old systems. The energy of 2022 woke us up to new ways of being in the world—and what’s more, it helped us begin to believe that these visions could actually manifest.

The overarching energy I feel for 2023 is confrontation…but also miracles and nourishment. This is the year to embrace the inner resources available to you. 

Whether you are motivated by gratitude, love, beauty, intelligence, courage, peace, wholeness, hope, joy…2023 provides an opportunity to fully embrace the element of life that most deeply nourishes your soul. From here, you’ll find the strength to confront what must be faced and released in the era to come.

Confrontation & Challenge

A year of confrontation? I know, this word sounds a bit scary—so stick with me for a moment… 

Inherent in the word “confrontation” is the word confront. This year, we are asked to confront the places we are resisting growth and change. We are asked to confront anything that is opposed to the celebration and prioritization of life for life’s sake.

We will witness confrontation in both our personal and shared experiences. Our personal journeys and our collective journeys are mirrors of each other. 

Notice where your energy goes here: Which collective confrontations and clashes trigger you the most, or hold your attention? Then ask yourself: Where does this theme appear in my own life? 

This is a deep and often uncomfortable line of questioning—but it is transformative, and I’ve updated my 2022-2023 Year In Review Journal to support this process.

In brief, here are a few areas you might experience confrontation, personally and collectively:

  • Tribalism vs Connection: We’re experiencing a dance between further separating ourselves into like-minded communities based on culture and values and coming together into an increasingly connected global community thanks to technological innovations. Collectively, we’ll need to confront the places we feel separate yet must coexist. Personally, we’ll be asked to confront long-held beliefs about what community actually means. 

  • Letting Go vs Embracing the Unknown: Much of the energy around 2023 has to do with endings—endings of ways of life and life itself. Confrontation comes with the resistance we naturally feel towards letting go and change, as well as towards facing the unknown arising from any ending.

  • Cosmic vs Consensus Consciousness: Energies this year support our ascension and awakening. Dreams and meditative states may start to feel more real than “reality”. And yet, we exist in a physical reality for a reason. 2023 asks: Where do your insights and intuitive knowings confront collective agreements on what’s actually real? 

  • Ancestral Living vs Technological Innovation: I find it interesting that the more leaps we make technologically, the more people are drawn to earth-based practices. It’s likely that parts of you respond to the gifts of both ancestral practices and technological innovations. Notice where there’s harmony, and where there’s confrontation within your system. And witness how this confrontation arises in our collective this year.

  • Freedom vs Control: Under the surface of all the crises in the past few years, humanity has actually been energetically freed from old energies of population control. This might not seem true yet, but we will see the effects unfolding rapidly in the next decade. Now, we’re confronting what this new level of power and freedom actually means. And we’re confronting forces that want to regain the control they’ve lost. 

There are many, many more areas where we’ll experience confrontation this year—these are just a few. Please know that confrontation isn’t a punishment—it’s an accelerant. It’s a way to help us make the radical changes asked of us during these times, within and without.

Survival tip: Try to remove judgment when you feel confrontation in your system or witness it in the collective. Instead of viewing confronting energies as wrong or difficult, can you embrace them as a natural part of our path and growth? Tune into your core motivating energy (love, gratitude, life) when you need a boost in your resilience.

Shadow & Light

One particular area of confrontation worth pulling out for greater examination is that of shadow and light.

Every time I close my eyes and allow the energy of 2023 to arise in my mind, I see black and white, much like the High Priestess card in the traditional Rider-Waite Tarot. The confrontation here is that of shadow and light. 

The lesson is to walk in integrity through the years to come. 

All of the expansive energy and visions we’ve been receiving continue this year—waves of joy, growth, creativity, and spiritual connection will fuel our hope and resolve. Yet growth is always met with resistance—the shadows holding onto old systems, power struggles, and simply, the “known” may rear their heads with a vengeance.

We’ve collectively cycled through many of these periods of confrontation—they’re necessary for our growth and liberation. It is the light of spiritual awakening meeting the shadow of control and fear that comes to the forefront in 2023. 

The dichotomy between shadow and light actually feels a bit manic in the coming year, and I think this energy will amplify in different areas of life for different people. Highs and lows in tech and innovation, communication and media, identity and culture, and the economy and political movements are likely. If you tune into your own experience, which areas feel like they might be most prominent and energized for you?

Spiritual Awakening Accelerates

One area I’m particularly attuned to is that of accelerated spiritual awakening in 2023—as a spiritual coach and mentor, I’m always tracking our collective waves of expansion and contraction here. 

In the past few decades, we’ve already seen more and more people tune into new ways of being in relationship with spirit and listening to their own intuitive guidance. I see the personal relationship with spirit—one formed without intermediaries such as gurus or priests—accelerating even more in 2023.

The shadow arises when this spiritual awakening occurs within a capitalist system. This feels like a major challenge for many people in the coming year, and one I’ll be offering much more guidance on in other articles. But, a few energies I’m picking up on for now…

Many people will immediately want to monetize their awakening and spiritual gifts. This isn’t a reflection of being superficial or greedy—it’s simply old programming that tells you everything you offer to the world must earn income. 

Unfortunately, this phenomenon can lead to spiritual bypassing, power imbalances, and unintentional harm (and intentional, too).

On the other hand, capitalism also trains us to be consumers—and we consume information, wisdom, and the healing or creative gifts of others just as much as any physical product. In a capitalist system, we develop an unchecked hunger to obtain as much as possible for as little as possible. 

This leaves the consumers bloated and overwhelmed, and the lack of reciprocity leaves teachers, healers, and creators depleted and burned out. 

Tuning into higher consciousness, inner truth, and our own loving hearts will help us remedy these pitfalls. Remember: 

Integrity is the compass that will help you weather the storms to come.

As Within So Without

In all of the growth, resistance, and confrontation to come in 2023, one especially important phenomenon stands out: the connection between the microcosm and the macrocosm. 

Your inner world, personal lessons, and edges of growth are reflective of our collective energies—and vice versa. 

As you make personal shifts to embrace more natural ways of living, ways that honor your personal cycles and rhythms and allow space for what delights your soul, you will inevitably be confronted with obstacles and resistance—relationships or jobs that fall apart, tests around trust and control, and opportunities (or temptations) that make you question how committed you really are to your heart’s callings.

Now, imagine this happening on a global level. We will continue to witness a sea change in cultural movements that celebrate freedom and life, reverence and protection for the earth, mass exodus from dogmatic religious institutions and guru-based cults, and miraculous technological innovations.

And all of this will be met with intense resistance and aggression on every level—political, corporate, cultural, personal, and certainly, energetic. The sensitives among us may have a difficult time navigating the extreme energies in our collective consciousness (which is why I’ll be bringing back my boundaries and protection class this year). 

While you will likely be influenced and challenged by the collective energies here, your personal journey will also impact the collective. This is why it will be extremely important to do your work. Face your own shadows, resistance, fears, and judgments. Examine the boxes you’ve put yourself in. Connect with the earth. Question your long-held beliefs. 

The more you can make decisions and respond to challenges from integrity, and the more you can trust that your heart is leading you closer to truth, the more joyful this year will be.

And remember—you are here, at this time, for a reason. Your gifts and medicine are needed, and there is divine, cosmic support for humanity’s journey. Feast on the light that is shining upon us. Dedicate yourself to something bigger. Sink your roots into the earth for nourishment. It’s worth it.

You Are Loved

There are 8 billion souls incarnate on the planet right now. As crazy as these days might seem—a record-breaking number of us have chosen to be here at this time. Your life is not an accident (and this is true even if your parents told you it was). 

Unconditional divine love and cosmic support are showering us with blessings during these transitional times. 2023 will be full of miracles—little ones you might barely notice and bigger ones that elicit pure awe. 

Many of these miracles will appear as synchronicities—meeting the right person at the right time, discovering a book or article that is exactly what you need, or making a “mistake” that catalyzes a valuable opportunity. 

Trust your intuitive hits this year. Spirit is ready and willing to partner with you in every moment. 

A Practice

Even though you may know that you are loved, it can be easy to forget or doubt this truth in challenging times. A beautiful practice to help remedy this is partnering with the spirits of nature.

To do so, set the intention that a particular sign will be your reminder that you are loved by spirit, the divine, god, the universe, or whatever language works for you.

For example, you could affirm that every time you find a feather, it’s a sign you are loved. Or see a rainbow, or a butterfly. Whatever resonates for you. (As soon as I wrote the word “rainbow”, I looked up and saw rainbows on my wall, created by my suncatcher—this stuff works!)

Remember How to Nourish Yourself

The key to navigating the rather intense energy of 2023 isn’t willpower or fortitude, though those are perfectly lovely gifts to have your disposal. The medicine for this year is nourishment

We must learn to be so completely nourished in body and soul that we can’t help but enjoy the wild ride we’ve signed up for. 

Connecting with your greater why is one key element of nourishment. And I don’t mean your “why” in the typical life-coachy way (I’m here to help, teach, innovate etc.). I mean connecting with the guiding, heartfelt principle that most enlivens your spirit. 

In truth, we’re all motivated by the same thing—the expression of life living itself. Yet for each of us, a different facet or flavor of this will resonate most. 

A Practice

Ask yourself what word feels the most alive for you, the most connected to the purpose of existence—love, gratitude, joy, connection, strength, creativity, intelligence, etc. This will point you toward your unique needs around nourishment. 

For me, beauty is my guiding word. When I tune into this word, I feel connected to the highest expression of spirit. I feel grateful for the beauty of the natural world, the creative spirit of humanity, and the sensuality of being in a human body. For me, this word reminds me of why life is living itself on our earth. (You can read a bit more about my relationship with beauty here.) 

Once you have your word, begin to examine how it already shows up in your life. Then use this to give you insights and ideas about how you cultivate and prioritize your own nourishment in the new year. 

For example, if love is your word, you might reflect on the types of love you already experience in your life (with family, pets, friends, and even activities or foods!). Then begin to fantasize about all the ways you’d like to experience even more love in the coming year. 

Resources and Support

2023 probably won’t be easy…but it will be lovely from a divine perspective. As much as confrontation invites us to explore shadows, it asks us to celebrate all the light. 

To support you, I’m once again offering my yearly downloadable journal: Reflect, Integrate, Envision: A Year In Review Journal—coming soon!

This year’s journal is designed to help you dive deep into understanding, from a soul-level perspective, what you have experienced in 2022, as well as to vision, in partnership with universal spirit, your highest potential for 2023.

Spirit knows that the right question at the right time can open a portal to greater wisdom and understanding, and as a result, help us show up in the world more aligned with our authentic power and purpose.

If you’ve already worked with my previous journals, know that this one is totally, radically, and completely new!

My sense is that we’re collectively a bit too burned out for the type of deep dive, comprehensive questioning I’ve led you through before. So this journal is much more focused on helping you connect with the inner meaning and nourishment that will guide you through the year to come. 


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