Lion’s Gate Portal 8/8: Ancient Origins, Portal Openers, and the Key to Manifestation


You’ll likely be hearing a lot about the Lion’s Gate Portal right around now — I even saw an article in Glamour about manifesting with the energy of this day (sometimes the changes I’ve witnessed in our collective consciousness just within my lifetime astound me).

These articles are helpful — but they are not the full story. Here’s what you might not know about the Lion’s Gate Portal…

Sirius — A Portal to Spiritual Wisdom

Sirius is the brightest star in our skies and has played an important role in spiritual traditions throughout the world…and Sirius is the key to opening the Lion’s Gate Portal.

Sirius is the brightest star visible in Earth's night sky and has been revered by various civilizations throughout history. Modern mystics will often refer to Sirius as “The Great Central Sun” — a luminous portal to divine wisdom.

The name "Sirius" is derived from the Greek word "Seirios," meaning "glowing" or "scorcher," which highlights its brilliance — it’s one of the closest stars to the Earth and its luminosity is about 25 times that of our own Sun.

Fun fact: Sirius is a binary star system, meaning that it consists of two stars — a brighter one and smaller white dwarf companion.

In ancient Egypt: Sirius was deified as the goddess Sopdet (Sothis in Greek) and appears as a woman with a five-pointed star upon her head. Sopdet is said to be a form of the goddess Isis, which emphasizes the importance of the stellar being. 

Sopdet’s consort was the god Sah — who deified the constellation Orion. Just as Sopdet as associated with Isis, Sah was associated with her consort, Osiris.

Note: Osiris is a god of death and rebirth, transformation and regeneration — something that will become important to remember in the next bit…

sirius in night sky

The Lion’s Gate Portal 8/8

During the Lion’s Gate Portal, the Earth, Sirius, the constellation Orion, and our Sun (in the sign of Leo, the lion), all come into alignment. 

In new thought spiritual communities, this cosmic event is said to activate a celestial portal that allows our manifestations to take form more quickly. It’s a time of collective evolution and an invitation to focus your intentions, connect with spirit, and bring your desires to life.

Though the energy of the Lion’s Gate lasts for around two weeks, it’s said to peak on August 8th (8/8, and next summer will be quite potent at 8/8/8 - 2+0+2+4), bringing in the numerological blessings of this day.

8 is a potent number associated with power, sex, and money, as well as death and rebirth. 

(So both the constellation Orion and the number 8 add themes of death and rebirth to this sacred day!)

In astrology, the 8th house is ruled by Mars (in Hellenistic astrology) and Pluto (in modern astrology), and is home to Scorpio, making it our place of deep transformation — we delve into the depths of our psyches to let the old die and regenerate into greater versions of ourselves.

The 8th house is also where we access resources from outside ourselves, including gifts that arrive from others, the earth, and spirit.

With this 8th house energy of transformation and outside gifts, the Lion’s Gate Portal invites us to evolve into the person who is worthy and capable of receiving what we intend to manifest.

And guess what? The 8th card in the Tarot’s major arcana is Strength, a radiant, solar card which, in the traditional Rider-Waite Tarot, features a lion!

The True Mystical Origins of the Lion’s Gate Portal

But let’s be real here. The date 8/8 is a relatively modern invention — the current Gregorian calendar wasn’t established until the 16th century.

This calendar absolutely does add an important energetic signature, and our understanding of the numerological energy of 8 goes back thousands of years, but it’s important to understand that the true origins of the Lion’s Gate Portal are rooted much further in history.

Long before modern mystics named the Lion’s Gate Portal what it is today, ancient Egyptians were celebrating their new year right around the same time.

Sirius's heliacal rising — the first time it becomes visible in the morning sky before sunrise — was associated with the annual flooding of the Nile River, which was a critical event for the region's agriculture and marked the arrival of the Egyptian New Year. (I have an entire article on this celestial event and the Egyptian holy days it portends —if you missed it, you can still read it here.)

Though the celestial gods and their seasons have shifted over time, it’s generally thought that the heliacal rising of Sirius occurs in late July. Late July is of course the start of Leo season and opens the energetic portal of the Lion’s Gate.

So, while we might say this portal peaks on August 8th, the true origins of the Lion’s Gate Portal can be found in the ancient Egyptian New Year. 

For me, this makes the Lion’s Gate Portal and powerful time for working with the gods of Egypt. (I’m actually finalizing a set of all-natural Egyptian perfumes, though they won’t be ready for release until the fall.)

Download your FREE guide to Egyptian Deity Rituals

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    Now is the perfect time to work with these rituals and connect with the gods of Egypt. 

    Portal Openers

    I love partnering with plant allies — as herbs, flower essences, essential oils, and of course living plants. They provide us with food and medicine, wisdom and protection, and endless support on our human journeys.

    One of my most personally sacred ways of working with the plants is through anointing oils. Spiritual traditions throughout the world have use anointing rituals for blessing, initiation, and protection.

    In my own spiritual practice, I work with sacred oils as portal openers. 

    When I create an alchemical oil or anointing balm, both the energetic signature of the oils used and the ritual transmission of energy I infuse into the oil synergize into a uniquely potent blend.

    This unique synergy speaks the language of energy and spirit, opening the way for deeper communication with the spirit world. I often anoint my heart when doing ritual work, as this attunes my own vibration with that of my intentions, opening a portal for greater healing and manifestation.

    Whether you feel called to engage with the ritual guide above, or plan on doing your own manifestation practices, I highly recommend working with sacred oils for added potency.

    The oils you choose will depend on your intentions. A few of my favorites:

    • Rose — for love

    • Basil — for wealth

    • Helichrysum — for healing

    • Clove — for protection

    • Neroli — for spiritual connection

    If you make your own oil, be sure to dilute any pure essential oils in a carrier oil — olive oil works wonderfully (aim for about a 5% dilution — this is an energetic blend, so stronger isn’t better).

    I’ve created a wealth of potent oils available in the Alchemessence Apothecary. Here are two that are especially potent for Egyptian magick:

    Sacred Scarab Anointing Oil
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    Sacred Scarab Anointing Oil

    Scarab Anointing Oil

    I created my newScarab Anointing Oil specifically for working with Egyptian magic — with true blue lotus absolute, sacred myrrh resin, and many more precious essences to connect you with ancient Egypt. Anointing oils are potent portal activators, and Scarab will help open sacred pathways of communication with the Egyptian deities.

    Psst: I have an entire article on the magic of Scarabs here!

    lion's gate portal 8/8

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