How to Work with the Shadow Work Portal

how to work with the 2022 shadow work portal - new moon scorpio, venus alignment, eclipse season

We are in a potent gateway for shadow work right now, with layers upon layers of celestial support for our integration. 

Beginning with our transit into Scorpio on October 22nd, and continuing into a 2-week eclipse window from October 25th to November 8th, you’re invited to illuminate and integrate any shadows that are preventing you from stepping into your full authenticity, wholeness, and power.

Let’s take a look at some key dates and themes…

🖤 On October 22nd, our Sun entered the sign of Scorpio—the sign most aligned with diving deep into our unconscious and not just facing, but embracing, our shadows. 

Hidden motives; so-called “darker” impulses; unseen power dynamics; sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll…Scorpio guides into the midnight waters of our inner worlds so we can free ourselves from shame, see truths that have been hidden, and embrace the unfiltered fullness of who we really are.

🖤 Also on October 22nd, we saw the rebirth of Venus as the Evening Star. In her Morning Star phase, Venus guides us on a descent into the underworld—the Venusian goddess Inanna’s journey to her dark sister. Now, in her Evening Star phase, Venus ascends—Inanna has integrated her shadows and emerges fully in her sovereign power. 

This date is a tipping point for us. If you’ve been doing the work, the final pieces will now come into completion during our current shadow gateway.

🖤 Venus is in Libra for this turn of her journey, as well—a homecoming to her ruling planet. This auspicious alignment softens and beautifies our shadowy integration, though it may not feel so lovely when you’re in the thick of it. A full cleansing of the heart chakra is possible here.

🖤 On October 25th, we experience the New Moon in Scorpio AND a Solar Eclipse The dark moon, in Scorprio’s shadows, with the light of the Sun also dimmed…The cosmos are making it as clear as possible that we have universal support for shadow integration at this time. Take advantage of the magic.

🖤 The Celtic New Year invites us to release the old and begin anew. Samhain, what we commonly call Halloween, marks the New Year for the indigenous people of Europe. 

Not so much a single day, the New Year is a short seasonal window when the veils between worlds are thin. Our ancestors are more present (hello Dia de Los Muertos) and the fae can more easily communicate with us. With proper protection in place, these spirit helpers can be powerful allies in seeing what has previously been hidden. 

Whether through meditation, journaling, sacred ceremony and ritual, you have support for deep inner work right now. Let’s collectively release our shame and feelings of unworthiness. Let’s collectively remember our wholeness and power. And let’s collectively bring our full selves to our soul purposes. 

I’ve curated a few of my favorite allies for shadow work below. May they bring you support on your journey!

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