Spiritual Sovereignty: Can You Heal Yourself?

Can you heal yourself, or is it best to see a practitioner?

One of the first things many people are taught when they step onto a spiritual path is this:

Nothing can harm you without your permission.”

Followed by this:

You have access to all the divine guidance you need within. You just need to learn to listen.”

And now, with sovereignty becoming such a buzzword, this line of thinking comes next:

Your sovereignty is your birthright. No one can attach to you energetically without your permission. You can declare old contracts be broken.”

In my experience, all of these beliefs are both true and more complicated than they seem at first glance, and the implications of believing the most simplistic interpretations of these ideas are not without consequence…

Let's start with the idea that nothing can harm us―spiritually and energetically at least―without our permission. Take a moment to think about the implications of this teaching...

First, this can be a comforting thought. As you begin to realize how many hidden influences are at play in your life―including what we might call negative energies―you might start to feel overwhelmingly vulnerable. Returning to the belief that no "invisible monsters" can hurt you without your permission is incredibly reassuring.

Unfortunately, if we take this belief to its natural conclusion, what does it say about those who struggle with the spiritual and energetic dimensions of health? The implication is that if someone has a spiritual/energetic ailment―such as cording with another person, an energetic attachment, or even possession by a foreign entity―then they must have, on some level or in some lifetime, agreed to it.

This agreement isn't conscious of course, but subconscious. Nevertheless, you agreed. So it's up to you to "break your contracts" and "claim your sovereignty".

Oh, did you try and things were still difficult or stuck? Well then, this line of thinking goes, on some level you must feel as if you're benefiting and not really want to get better.

This way of thinking about sovereignty is what happens when a spiritual truth gets hijacked by a capitalist narrative.

Sound familiar? This was certainly the party line in my three-year shamanic practitioner training, and I've heard versions of this repeated in yoga, reiki, and energy classes often...

Personally, I absolutely DO NOT believe things are this simple, and I do not endorse victim blaming in this way.

This way of thinking about sovereignty is what happens when a spiritual truth gets hijacked by a capitalist narrative.

When I come across thought patterns that take individual empowerment and personal responsibility to the extreme, I feel grateful for having spent so much of my life overseas. Not all cultures are as individualistic as the American one is. There are other ways of being in the world and relating to spirit.

Yes we are powerful. Yes we can heal ourselves. And yes, there are times when we resist healing because of some perceived benefit, usually unconscious. But true spiritual healing is a much more complicated soup of karma, randomness, soul growth, and mystery than a simple declaration of sovereignty.

True spiritual healing is a complicated soup of karma, randomness, soul growth, and mystery.

When we remember that we are all connected, and that we were born into an ecosystem with layers of interconnection that reach far beyond our physical dimension, we also begin to recognize that healing happens in community.

Most of us need support at some point in our lives. Even with decades of training and practice under my belt, I still turn to beloved friends, teachers, and healers for help when I can’t see the whole picture or need a healing boost.

Healing also happens over time. Spiritual healing isn’t like taking a pill—more often it involves navigating layers of connections and contracts, lifetimes of karma and energetic patterning, and deep psychological integration and initiations. When we embark on this kind of healing journey, being held in community and supported by a healer are essential foundations for the path before us.

And let's be real here—when you're suffering, connecting with your true inner power is hard! How are you supposed to clear and recharge your energy field when you've been knocked flat?

This brings me back to the other common belief that is both true and more complicated than it first appears…the idea that we should be able to access our own intuition and not rely on others for guidance.

Well, yeah. I agree. And I'd say most people tend to overly rely on others to be their conduits to spirit—getting divinations, seeking out gurus, asking for advice, drawing endless oracle cards…many people fearfully avoid the personal responsibility that comes with committing to their own decisions.

But this doesn't mean that we should never turn to others for guidance and support, ask for help interpreting our dreams, or receive divinatory readings. Again, in our layered ecosystem of connection, we often are meant to have insights and wisdom reflected back to us by others.

As we walk the path toward true spiritual health and sovereignty, it’s both important to develop skills to empower yourself and to turn to others when you need support.

Healing is a delicate dance between personal responsibility and partnership with trustworthy healers who can support our journey. We are vulnerable and we are powerful. We are individuals and we are all connected. We are human and we are divine.

If you’re interested in learning more about the unseen forces that influence your health and well-being—and how you can learn to better work with these energies—be sure to sign up for my upcoming FREE workshop:

A Shamanic Guide to Illness & Health

Explore the five main causes of illness from a shamanic perspective―and how to heal them.

In this free workshop, you'll discover:

  • The 5 types of spiritual illness we all encounter
  • How to know if you're experiencing spiritual illness
  • The surprising ways addressing spiritual illness can impact your life
  • A practice to strengthen your energy field right now


Enter your email to access this 65-minute workshop today!


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