This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius…🎶
Are cosmic peace and harmony really on their way? Or have we only had a sweet little preview of the hivemind to come? Also, can we talk about the 5th Dimension??? 🤯
In my mind, the Age of Aquarius will always be associated with the song from Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical.
Yes, that’s the full name — an American tribal love-rock musical. Amazing.
Though to be fair, I’m pretty sure it was mostly the 5th Dimension’s version playing in our house as I grew up.
Yes, “Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In” was recorded by a band called the 5th Dimension.
original cast of Hair & The 5th Dimension
Is it any wonder I was 60s obsessed in my youth? ☮
(I’m generation “Oregon Trail” for those who are wondering how far off I was born from my soul decade, hehe.)
On January 20th, we’re entering a new phase in the age of Aquarius for reals.
This is a very big deal in the astro world…and I’ll share a bit more about the astrological reasons why in a minute.
But it feels like a big deal to me because of the song.
Decades ago, this song and the tribal love rock hippies who sang it promised me a better world! I mean, look at these lyrics:
When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius…
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation
Peace, love, and spiritual awareness…I couldn’t wait for the Age of Aquarius to fix our broken world!
Oh my sweet innocence. 🤦♀️
Welcome to the Real Aquarian Vibes
First thing is first: We don’t actually know when the official “Age of Aquarius” is.
An astrological “age” is a massive amount of years — 2,160, based on the Earth’s processional rotations and equinox locations. And no one really agrees on when the transition between ages has or is or will happen.
So let’s release ourselves from being in a specific “Age of Aquarius” and focus on the fact that astrologically, there is significantly more Aquarian energy in our collective than usual.
Will Aquarius bring us cosmic peace and liberation as promised?
To answer this question, it helps to look at what Aquarius is all about — the collective.
Aquarians serve the greater good — but not from some heartfelt love of humanity, and not by getting their own hands dirty.
This is because Aquarians don’t live in the emotional or physical realms. Their world is mental, one of philosophical ideas and higher mind perspectives.
They see the potential for Heaven on Earth and will pursue this vision from a more detached position…and they aren’t really bothered if your individual feelings are hurt along the way.
My parter is an Aquarius Sun, and it shows. I love his ability to see the greatest possible solutions to our collective problems. And, I’ve heard his complaints about the “tragedy of the commons” more than once.
For those who need a review, the tragedy of the commons is an economic theory that refers to a state where individuals deplete public resources for their own benefit, which ultimately depletes everyone’s ability to benefit from those same resources. You can probably see just a *few* examples in our modern world…
And this is the total opposite of Aquarian energy. They would never prioritize a single individual over the collective good.
With this in mind, let’s look at the first big shift into more Aquarian energy that happened back on December 21, 2020, when Jupiter and Saturn conjoined in Aquarius.
Yeah, I said it. 2020.
The year we had a masterclass in the tragedy of the commons via toilet paper.
this is what AI thinks it looked like
This initiation into Aquarian energy showed us the potential for coming together in challenging times…and gave us some glimpses into the shadows around mob mentality.
And it hinted that the transition from a society rooted in competition to one rooted in cooperation might be just a wee bit stormy, with just a wee bit of backlash...
The next phase of Aquarian influence kicks off on January 20th, when Pluto forms a Cazimi — a super powerful perfect alignment with the Sun — in the very last degree of Capricorn before sauntering into Aquarius for the next 20ish years.
This, as I mentioned earlier, is a very big deal.
If one more person tells me Pluto is about “transformation”…🤮
Pluto is what’s known as a “generational” planet — which means that it stays in a single zodiac for about 12 - 30 years, giving a whole generation a particular vibe. With Pluto moving into Aquarius, a new vibe begins.
To understand what this means, let’s take a quick look at the areas of life ruled by Pluto, our “great transformer”.
Here’s the thing. A lot of planets are transformational. What does this even mean?
We need to know Pluto’s unique transformational flavor…
Spoiler: It’s rough.
Pluto is a shadowy planet. It rules the things we try to keep hidden — violence, addiction, coercion. It heralds transformation so great it can feel like a crisis. Death and rebirth. Power and surrender. These are the themes of Pluto.
Pluto is also a planet of will — not our individual will, but our collective will. It’s one thing to make up your mind and work towards what you want. It’s another world to swim upstream against a collective that wants something else entirely. My guess? This is going to be a time of re-calibrating how your will and the collective will can best co-exist.
And, Pluto is not a fan of sweeping our shadows under the rug. It wants to pull them out and eradicate them for the greater good. I like how Astrobutterfly puts this:
Pluto’s role is to keep the engine of the universe going by eliminating what can no longer sustain life. If something is rotten, Pluto will eliminate it to leave space for healthy growth.
Knowing what’s rotten is a good thing. If your tooth rots, you go to the dentist and fix the problem…and save your other teeth. If you want your tree to grow healthy, you trim the dead branches.
When Pluto brings transformation, it comes in the form of the Tower card of the Tarot. Things topple. There’s usually some kind of shock involved, a shock that shakes us out of our slumber and wakes us up to a new way of understanding the world and our place within it.
As a reminder here — Pluto is always somewhere. Some area of life is always undergoing collective transformation in pretty disruptive ways. This is part of how we evolve and grow.
looks fun!
Pluto, meet Aquarius. I think you’ll have fun together 😵💫
How interesting that Aquarius, the hivemind sign of the zodiac, is going to be home to Pluto, the planet of really challenging collective transformations.
I’m thinking this era might not be the love and light land I’d hoped for…
Aquarius and Pluto are both focused on the collective good, equality, and innovation in service of all. This is a vibe that we could definitely use more of, and one that goes quite well with our Age of Aquarius theme song.
But Pluto just won’t nicely walk us over into lala land. Pluto strikes the Tower down, forcing us to cultivate resilience as we grow into the people who can build our Aquarian society.
Pluto in Aquarius heralds a return of power to the people. Expect to see tyrannies of all types topple and crumble like the Tower itself — from oppressive political regimes to spiritual cults and cult-like corporations.
Yes, power to the people.
But have you seen people lately? 😬
The mob mentality and cancel culture we’ve witnessed in the last couple of years is likely a sweet little preview of what’s to come.
Whereas in the past, radicalization was a major concern…I’m a bit more worried about righteousization (totally made that word up) in the coming era.
Righteous anger. Righteous rage. Righteous power. Righteous spirituality.
All under the guise of serving the collective good.
Righteousness is group-think meets nervous system activation.
You believe you have the power of the collective behind you, your adrenaline kicks in, and you become part of the earthquake that shakes the Tower.
That’s not my vibe. I’m all for radical change, but it’s going to be rough enough without righteous zombies adding to the chaos.
This is your opportunity to become a vessel of integrity and clarity in an era of change and confusion.
Learn how to distinguish your intuition from an adrenaline rush. Cultivate skills that help you regulate your nervous system. Stay open to change and align yourself with service. Keep checking in with your heartfelt knowing of what is truth and what is group-think.
We are co-creating a new world together, and you are here to play an invaluable role. One that is unique to you and needed by us all.
A few more winks at the future 👽
And to wrap up, here are a few more areas we can expect to see Pluto in Aquarius impact…
Aquarius rules technology, communication, markets, and the circulation of resources. It takes an interest in the policies and infrastructure that affect society as a whole. It’s the group energy in life — executive boards, congress, friend groups, communities. And it rules the skies.
You can probably guess from here — changes to our economy, how information is shared, where power falls in our political systems, and whatever is going to happen with AI, to name a few.
Oh, and UFOs. Definitely expect more on aliens and UFOs. 😉
For those who want more, here are a few resources to keep exploring this upcoming Pluto-Aquarius party:
Adam Elenbaas of Nightlight Astrology goes into a pretty thorough deep dive here and provides a fun overview of how this will affect each sign here.
Astrobutterfly has a great, easy-to-read article on the whole thing here.
Rebecca Gordon adds some lovely nuance here.
Chris Brennan has a couple of 2024 overview episodes of The Astrology Podcast, which you can explore here.
And I always love a good Chani article.
What do you think about all this incoming astro weather? I’d love to hear what you think we can expect in the comments.
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