The wild Alchemy Practitioner Program

An 18-Month Training in Spiritual Rewilding and Shamanic Arts

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    It's time to remember who you really are. 

    And I believe that you are magical… 

    Powerful in the best way possible...

    Capable of embodying more love and joy than you realize… 

    And that you are here, on this Earth at this time, for a reason.

    Wild Alchemy Healing

    We live in wild times—and wild solutions are needed for the challenges we face in our personal and collective lives.

    Your wild self is the true you, who you were before life’s pain and programming made you forget how beautiful, worthy, and capable you really are.

    I believe that the wildness of the natural world reflects our own wildness back to us. And coming home to our wild selves is an alchemical journey.

    Wild Alchemy is the art of remembering your true nature.

    It offers us a mythoanimist path back home to ourselves, one that rests in both the animated nature of reality and the mythologies that flame the light of consciousness.

    Wild Alchemy reminds us that magic is real and is everywhere, including within you.

    Wild Alchemy is a way of life, but it’s also a healing modality — rooted in shamanic practice, plant healing, energy medicine, and depth coaching skills.

    An Invitation to the Practitioner Training

    The Wild Alchemy Apprenticeship is my offering to you.

    This is an 18-month practitioner program that will enable you to not only to connect with your own wild magic, but will train you to share this work with your communities and clients.

    We begin in June 2025, and registration will officially open in January. 

    Get on the wait list now to receive exclusive previews of the content and list-only early bird pricing. 

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      Program Overview

      When I meditated for guidance on creating this program, I was originally planning on making this a three-year training. 

      The spirits had other plans…

      It turns out that learning these skills is urgent. The spirits encouraged me to condense as much as I can into a year-and-a-half curriculum instead. 

      This 18-month training is intense…but doable and fun, I promise!

      You can expect to spend anywhere from 5-10 hours a week, with breaks throughout, on our content. Not nothing…but not overwhelming, either. Most of our trainings will be online, with two, five-day in-person retreats (one each September). 

      By the end of the apprenticeship, you will be well-prepared to bring these healing methods to your communities and clients.

      Course Curriculum

      To become capable of sharing our most important gifts with the world, we must begin with ourselves. This is why our apprenticeship focuses on both inner work and outer skills

      You will be held in a strong, safe container that will serve as a alchemical cauldron of personal transformation in this program.

      And you will cultivate the skills that allow you to become this container for others.

      I’ve designed this curriculum to be nothing less than life-changing. And I don’t say that lightly.

      Here’s a peek at what we’ll explore together

      How to partner with the spirit world for wisdom, guidance, and healing 

      Cultivating your intuitive gifts and personal cosmology

      Learn to offer shamanic practices such as: the journey, power animal retrievals, soul retrieval, psychopomp, extraction, past life healing, and more

      Energy medicine, understanding the etheric body, and working with qi

      Medicine for the Earth — tend the land, communicate with the spirits of nature, and work with plant allies

      Sacred anointing practices and ancient rituals

      Client care — develop skills for clear communication, holding safe space, navigating resistance, and more

      The ethics and power dynamics of working in spiritual or healing fields

      Understand how to bring this content into your own work as a coach, healer, bodyworker, therapist, artist, writer, teacher, parent…this will make a difference!

      Experience a life filled with greater connection to the Earth and cosmos, spirit and self…a life of magic, belonging, and devotion♥

      I couldn't fit everything into 18 months. So, there will be an advanced practitioner training after this — and the apprenticeship is most definitely a prerequisite for the advanced training (which will include curse unraveling, advanced depossession, advanced mediumship, group facilitation, planetary magic, and client supervision for those interested).

      Structure & Logistics

      This is a hybrid apprenticeship — it takes place mostly online, with two required in-person retreats.

      Each month (with the exception of breaks built into the schedule) you’ll receive:

      • A live full-day online workshop, with lecture and practice time

      • Self-led small group practice sessions

      • Weekly assignments and mini lessons to help you stay on track and go even deeper

      • Live Q&A sessions with me

      You’ll also receive: 

      • Several one-on-one sessions with experienced practitioners — It’s important to receive this work yourself as you train to work with others. 

      • Two in-person retreats — And yes, these are required. The kind of power we can generate as a group is something special, and I really want you to understand how to work with this level of power as part of this training.


      You are receiving nearly 3 years worth of training in 18 months, and I will be investing all my time into making this a truly transformational experience. Your investment will reflect this, so expect upper four-figure pricing. 

      The retreat venues will impact our pricing, as well. I’m searching for a good match of affordability and comfort right now ;) So check back in January for the official pricing. 

      Your guide

      Welcome! I’m Juniper Stokes, and I am devoted to supporting you on your journey of connecting to nature, spirit, and the cosmos.

      I’ve been studying, practicing, and teaching spiritual rewilding, shamanism, and sacred aromatics for over two decades.

      Along the way, I’ve completed a 3-year shamanic practitioner training, two-year teacher training with Sandra Ingerman, and extensive study with Betsy Bergstrom. I also have formal training in Mayan, Norse, Celtic, Taoist, and Egyptian animist practices, as well as Western magic traditions.

      I’m here to support you no matter what traditions you come from or are drawn to.

      You are the expert of your own spiritual path. I believe that diversity is a gift to any circle, and welcome those from all walks of life to join my trainings.

      Integrity and service are at the heart of my offerings…as is joy! This is serious work and we don’t shy from shadow, but we do laugh our way though.

      Learn more.

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