8 Essential Oils to Kickstart Your Next Creative Project + 3 Aroma-Rituals

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Warmer weather and sunny days are finally upon us, and I’ve been feeling a big shift in energy lately—from the dormant and reflective energy of winter to the fertile and creative energy of spring and summer. The Earth is waking up, and so am I.

It’s only natural for us humans to join our animal friends in coming out of hibernation at this time of year, and I’m guessing that many of you are feeling the impulse to begin new projects, express yourself creatively, and bring a bit more celebration into your lives. 

Here’s the thing—feeling the creative impulse and acting on it are two different things. 

Maybe you’re flooded with ideas but don’t know where to start. Or maybe you feel out of practice or intimidated after a winter of rest. Or maybe you just want a creative boost. 

If you’re ready to ignite your creative spark this season, aromatherapy can help release blocks, increase inspiration, and motivate creative action. 

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Essential Oils for Creativity

Floral essential oils and absolutes are wonderful for creative expression. Many floral oils have an affinity for the sacral chakra. As blossoms open to warm weather, these oils help our creative centers open to inspiration.

  • Neroli—Relieves anxiety around creating while deepening our connection with our higher selves . . . even Leonardo da Vinci is said to have breathed in the perfume of neroli while he worked.

  • Ylang Ylang—Brings us directly into our creative centers with its seductive fragrance. Especially useful for sensual creations—culinary endeavors, body products, and natural perfumes.

  • Geranium—Eases perfectionistic tendencies, irritability, and frustration. This is the oil you want to help move through resistance to creative action.

  • Rose—Opens the heart center, allowing us to trust and love with abandon. Use rose to merge the love in your heart with your creative impulses—a powerful combination.

  • Jasmine—Shares a joyful energy that removes inhibitions and increases self-confidence, allowing you to more fully invest in your creative expression. 

In addition to the florals, citruses and spices can also enhance our creative works:

  • Patchouli—Another wonderful oil for connecting us to our sensual, creative selves. Patchouli also introduces an earthy element into the creative process, helping us ground our inspiration in physical form.

  • Sweet Orange—Orange is the color of creativity, and sweet orange carries this resonance perfectly. Plus, as a citrus, it uplifts us as we work, reminding us to take joy in the creative process.

  • Ginger—Energizing and warming, ginger is perfect for those who have a creative vision but lack the motivation to see it through. Ginger essential oil helps us take optimistic action in our creative work.

These are only a few of the many essential oils that can assist us with releasing our creative energy this season. Let your own creative impulses guide you to the perfect oils and blends for your unique creative spirit!


Heart-Centered Ritual

  • Add three drops sweet orange, two drops patchouli, and one drop rose to an essential oil diffuser. Run the diffuser throughout this entire process.

  • Take a meditative seat and breathe deeply until you feel centered in your body.

  • Bring awareness to your root chakra. Affirm, I am grounded and supported by the earth.

  • Bring awareness to your sacral chakra. Affirm, I joyfully allow the creative impulses within to flow into form.

  • Bring awareness to your heart chakra. Affirm, With an open heart, I infuse my creations with love. 

  • Continue to diffuse these oils throughout your creative session.

Ritual to Break through Blocks

  • To a 1oz glass spray bottle, add: 2 drops ginger, 2 drops geranium, and 2 drops neroli. Fill the rest of the bottle with spring water.

  • Shake and mist yourself and your space. 

  • Speak these words as you mist: I call upon the benevolent spirits of ginger, geranium, and neroli. May these plant guides clear any fears I have around expressing my creative truth. I gratefully receive their blessings of creative inspiration and motivation.

Magical Paint Water

  • Take a meditative seat and breathe deeply until you feel centered in your body.

  • Ask your intuition, Which essential oil or oils wish to support my creative process today?

  • Allow the answers to arise. Trust what you receive. 

  • Fill your painting water vessel and add 2-3 drops of your oils. 

  • Whisper an intention for your painting into the oil-infused water—perhaps May this work of art carry the essence of divine love or May the truth in my soul take form in this painting.

  • Use this magical water throughout your painting process, recharging with oils and intentions as needed.

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