Conspiracy Overwhelm

conspiracy overwhelm

Conspiracy overwhelm? Fear taking hold?

Come back to love.

There are terrible truths we must face, but constantly trying to know what's real or not can fuel crazy-making.

The key is to listen to your heart.

Where do you feel hope? Empowered to make a difference? Where can you trust that you will continue to be guided by divine wisdom?

What information makes you feel as if your personal power is being taken away? What makes you feel overwhelmed with fear? Hopeless?

One of the most tragic effects of conspiracy theories is to hijack all the attention and energy of light workers who would otherwise be loving, powerful, and effective in their actions.

To be clear, just because something is labeled a "conspiracy theory" does not mean it isn't valid or important to look at. This languaging is charged and can be used to gaslight those with real concerns.

But if you notice yourself obsessing about how horrible and terrifying something is, perhaps shifting your life mission even, take a step back.

Ask your body which sources of information bring terror and overwhelm, and what information is delivered in a way that allows you to maintain a strong connection to your true self.

Reconnect with your power and your truth. Remind yourself that there are infinite beings of light supporting all of us through our darkest times.


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