Are Your Thoughts Your Own? Claiming Mental Sovereignty


How many of your thoughts are your own?

If you've ever really looked under the surface of your thinking mind, you've probably already realized that so much of what we think, believe, and even feel is heavily influenced by outside sources.

Our family patterning. Our education systems. Our work environments. Our social groups. Religious organizations. The news or entertainment we give our attention to. And now more than ever, our social media feeds.

Yet beyond these clear pulls on our consciousness, there are even more subtle and potentially dangerous threads involved...

These are energetic threads created from magnetic thought forms, mass hysteria and hypnosis, collective trauma, and more.

Most of these threads are natural occurrences with no hidden agendas behind them. They simply arise, and we can learn skills to disentangle from them so we can return to sovereign wellness.

But some of these threads are absolutely intentionally created. As creepy as that might sound, we can 100% learn to unhook from them as well.

Curious as to what all this means? What kinds of "threads" I might be referring to? And most importantly, how you can protect yourself?

Good! Our world needs us to unhook from the chaos out there and come back into our hearts, our truth, and our power.

This is why I'm teaching a six-week course all about psychic protection. We begin February 1, and classes will be recorded in case you need to miss one.

There are a few spots left. If you feel even the slightest pull, it means you're ready to claim new levels of spiritual sovereignty. Join us.



Discernment on the Spiritual Path: How to Protect Yourself in Unknown Territory


Is Possession Real? (Spoiler...yes)