The Color Bubble Practice for Energetic Protection


Here's a super quick practice for energetic protection.

This is a great one for times when you need a little extra "cushioning"—maybe you're about to go to a crowded place, for example—and a great daily practice. Try this each morning for a week and see what happens!

Quickie Practice for Energetic Protection

First, breath into your heart and notice the light there. See this light grow and fill up your entire body, and then go beyond your body, creating a bubble of white light around you.

Most of you have probably done something similar to this before—and it works! Your energy, intention, focus, and partnership with spirit will create an effective orb of protection around you.

But if you want to go further, experiment with filling your bubble with different colors! Every color has a different vibration, and therefore different protective and healing qualities.

Visualize the bubble filling with green, blue, violet, red...

How does each color feel? Over time, you'll learn your own  unique color language and know exactly what color to use when 🙂

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