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Cosmic evolution (a prophecy)

Nothing on this site has been written by AI.

My man and I have been together for 9 years. I feel so grateful that we really support each other in being who we are. We’re both independent in our ways yet love connecting and have more fun together than apart. 

99.9% of the time Mike supports me in just being myself. But he does have one limiting rule: Astrology talk is limited to 5 minutes a day. 😂😂😂

Obviously not a real rule, but I get it. My girlfriends and I can go down some serious rabbit holes, and Mike just doesn’t need to pass everything through the same astro filter. ⭐🤷‍♀️

I know my friends and I are not alone though. Social channels are filled with memes for 2025, all pointing to the idea that this is the pivotal year we’ve been preparing for…

2025 really does look like it might be a lot astrologically — but are the times we live in really that unique? Haven’t people been dealing with these massive alignments and planetary shifts since time immemorial? 

History is filled with revolutions and revelations that change the course of human evolution. Massive leaps in consciousness and communication, and massive losses of plagues and more, have shifted our ways of living and beliefs around spiritual practice many times over. 

Each time, some of our ancestors survived. The world went on. 2012 didn’t end the world as we know it. The “apocalypse” never came…

…at least to the Western culture birthed in Sumeria and still spreading throughout the world today. I’m sure many native peoples, from many continents, would call a lot of history pretty damn apocalyptic.  

I think this is important to remember: Time and again throughout history, entire peoples, cultures, and ways of life have been nearly or totally wiped out for a variety of reasons.

Are we, those of us living generally modern lifestyles today, pretty much anywhere in the world, really so special that we won’t experience what might feel like an apocalyptic shift in our lifestyles? 

On Collapse.

Back on the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction of 2020 (more on this below), I sat with a small group of consciousness explorers and creative thinkers. In the midst of the pandemic, we spent a day in quiet darkness, meditating, chanting, and imagining what changes might be coming with the pandemic. 

The question of collapse naturally arose. Not so much saying that we wanted collapse, or that it was inevitable — more that the concept felt closer to reality than it had in our lives up to that point. 

In these youthful, intellectual discussions, fueled by rage and frustrations with the systems that run our lives as they are, collapse can take on a somewhat romantic color. We must release the old so the new can be born, right? 

I don’t often get political here, but I do see this as driving a lot of the last US presidential election results. So many people are rightfully so fed up with the toxicities of our current systems that they are more inclined to throw everything out the window in favor of starting over. 

Unfortunately, I don’t think I can point to a time in history when true collapse occurred — from revolution, environmental factors, or other forces — where the aftermath was utopia. It’s been almost the opposite, really. In the void of what came before, humans be humaning again. Grabbing power, othering others, and getting swindled into giving up their prosperity of mind, spirit, and material wellness.

Romanticism, Realism, and Hope

This type of questioning — collapse, societal change, collective evolution — seems to be in the zeitgeist. At least in my algorithmic world. 

And I see two pretty different narratives going on. 

One is that of radical change. The idea that this is a totally unique time in human history, for better or worse. We are either actively creating a utopia and the total destruction of life as we know it is a good thing overall, or we are all about to live through the biggest hellscape humans have ever seen. 

The other is that this time isn’t as special as we think it is. Humanity has gone through huge initiations before. Things will keep changing, but we’ll be okay, because we always have been. 

I tend towards the middle way.

A lot is the same for us as it was for our ancestors. And, even in the face of total cataclysm we might not be all that special in the longer term view of human evolution — are we repeating the same cycles and choices that led to the downfall of Atlantis or other ancient civilizations?

Yet when I look at known human history to this point and tune into the wisdom of the Earth and my own spiritual guardians, a few pieces stand out as feeling pretty unique for those of us alive at this time. 

This vision takes me back to the microcosm and macrocosm: In our personal lives, we spiral through cycles, often repeating the same lessons but with previous learning that allows us to go deeper and grow stronger each time.

Ever reread a book from your past? We never really read the same book twice, do we? We are different people, and the material meets us in such different ways that even the same book becomes a new experience. 

This is much like our collective cycles of learning and growth. We are facing the type of vast economic and technological changes that have occurred many times throughout history. And, we’re meeting these changes in new ways.

We must really be ready for depth and growth by the looks of the global changes we’re facing ;) 

I’m not a futurist, economist, scientist, nor any other -ist that has already spoken on these changes extensively, so I’m not going to rehash AI and climate change and everything else.

Rather, I’m sitting with the spiritual impacts of these changes and cycles.

What does this time in history mean for, or require of, human consciousness? Is consciousness truly evolving and changing at a mass level? 

I like to think that it is. Though I’ll admit — our collective evolution seems to be lagging behind the destructive timelines before us.

(I hope I don’t sound overly negative here because I don’t actually feel that negative. It is a spiritual skill to sit with both the pain and joys of our reality and hold a higher vision for the possibilities before us.)

For now, let’s explore just a few of the unique elements of these times in relation to our spiritual evolution.

Information overload is real — and it’s making people cray (for those born circa 1980) and delulu (for the Zs).

The obvious shadow side of this is the rampant conspiracy theories that so easily spread online; the algorithms that take perfectly sane folks down rabbit holes that reprogram their minds to serve the needs of the global elite. 

(Do you like how I just took down conspiracies with another conspiracy??? 😈 But really. Every conspiracy is threaded with truth…and twisted for various agendas.)

But again, that’s the obvious bit. And, humans have been taking wild conspiracy-esque rides since long before the internet came online.

What I find especially interesting is that we have access to more esoteric knowledge than at any other time in history.

Ancient mystery teachings that were shrouded in secrecy for millenia are now available with an internet search. Or discussed in 15-second video clips. Even shared via memes.

Regardless of whether you see this as good or bad overall (I see a lot of gifts and shadows in this — another article coming up on that soon), you have to admit that it is different. We are being asked to engage with spiritual teachings in a way that is actually pretty unique to this time in human history. 

As many dangers as this might unleash, I trust that this is happening now because human consciousness is ready for it. I hope. 😬

(But seriously — there’s a whole thing with gatekeeping, power, control, integrity, harm, economics, practitioner programs and certifications…I started writing more here and realized this topic needs its own article. Stay tuned.)

Our permeability needs a different sort of tending.

This one is a biggie, and one that I don’t see folks talking about quite as much. 
Right now, there is more foreign energy on this planet than at any other time in history (that I know of). 

This makes sense when you think about it: 

Foreign energy is simply energy that is lost or out of place. It can include random forms of energy, and it can include conscious energies, such as humans who have left their bodies but not fully crossed into their next soul stage (yeah, that’s a ghost 👻).

A lot of foreign energy is generated by humans. And right now, there are more humans on this planet than ever before. 

When you look at how much history has taken place on this planet, all the energies left behind from all the traumas over thousands of years, and all the humans and their unconscious emotional bursts of energy, and all the non-corporeal beings who are attracted to Earth for a variety of reasons — we are definitely dealing with a shit-ton of foreign energies.

And we can see this reflected in the actual physical clutter of our world. The microplastics that are in just about everything we eat. The pollutants in our airs, waters, and soil. Clutter does not happen in isolation. 

Microcosm-macrocosm, y’all.

Why does this matter when it comes to spiritual practice?

When the Earth realms were generally clearer, our bodies had more bandwidth for processing strong energy without being overwhelmed. And we could generally stay more open and empathic to the many benevolent frequencies all around us because there wasn’t so much painful clutter to sift through all the time

As a result, many of our ancestral healers processed the pain and trauma of others through their own bodies. Folks from all walks of life were more energetically open on a daily basis, listening to the whispers of nature spirits and communicating empathically as a natural way of being in the world.

Many people who are drawn to spiritual work and earth-based healing carry this resonance and memory within their energetic systems. Empaths by nature, we feel so much of the pain and joys of the world around us. If we work in the healing arts, we take in the pain of others to transmute it, as we’ve done throughout our lifetimes. 

But times have changed, and most often, this way of being in the world leads to illness — mental fragmentation that can make it challenging to stay both connected to spirit and grounded in this reality, and physical illness that arises as our bodies process more energy than they were ever designed to.

I’ll share more about how to deal with this in another article. For now —just know that this is different

There are different protocols and protections we must work with to stay healthy. We have the opportunity to learn different ways of being in our bodies or interacting with unseen forces in these times. But this takes effort, and it means we need to find new ways to engage with ancient spiritual practices.

I’m sharing one of my absolute most favorite, effective protective rituals at our angel workshop this Thursday. Join live or watch the replay! Paid members can attend for free (visit the Monthly Gift section), or anyone can just sign up for this workshop here.

If you feel sensitive to all the energies in our world right now, this is for you!

Technology is getting pretty interesting (A Prophecy)

I mean, we are in the Age of Aquarius, after all. When Saturn and Jupiter danced around in the earth sign of Capricorn, we saw massive changes in the physical nature of technology — think of the industrial revolution. Now, with these two bigguns doing the cha cha into air sign Aquarius (where they will dance for the next 240 years) we can expect some more ethereal upheavals.

We’re seeing this with AI — which will absolutely change everything about how we live in the coming years. And it will likely affect our understanding of consciousness itself. 

But even if our power grids fail, the internet is gone, and life as we know it collapses, I don’t see our technological advancements disappearing in favor of completely old-school, off-grid communities. Too much knowledge has already been gained. Unless we experience another great flood event that wipes out most human culture, we aren’t going back to pre-tech times.

Rather, over the next 240 years, we will see an increasing merging of spirituality and technology. And this will influence everything

I have a confession: Much of what I’m going to share in this section is channeled information. I know, channeling sounds pretty woo — but I mean, do you know me? Woo is my middle name. 🔮

Around the last Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on December 21, 2020, I was sitting down to write when I was overcome with prophecy. It felt as if my benevolent ancestors and descendants were gathering to help me channel important visions through automatic writing.

I only shared these visions with a small circle at the time. (Because do you remember how absolutely on edge and insane everyone got during the pandemic? You couldn’t say anything without being attacked. Actually, you could encourage people to attack each other. That was about it.)

Anyway, my vision.

I was shown paradise. 

Or, what would seem like a utopian paradise to us, but felt pretty much like normal life to the descents living at that time. 

And I saw it as being what felt like 200-300 years in the future. At the time, I had no idea about the astrological cycles that support this timeline (which feels very cool and confirming).

I also saw a much smaller population — about a 10th of what we have on the Earth now. 

You can probably see where this is going…something wipes out most of our population.

Maybe it’s war. More pandemics. Climate catastrophe. Fertility crises. Alien invasion. Probably some combo of everything (except the alien invasion — they’re out there but too sneaky to outright invade 👽).

If you’re a brave soul who wants a more detailed version of what I channeled, let me know. There’s a lot on the timelines and the essence of the new world itself that I think are quite beautiful — but my guidance is that some of what I saw is not for me to share with the general populace at this time.

Here’s the thing with prophecy: It can change. It’s a potentiality, a glimpse at a possible future that some resonance already within us opens the way for us to see. (More on shifting these potentialities below.)

If you’ve read this far: Congratulations on being one of the brave souls who came here to experience and participate in such interesting times ;)

But let’s jump ahead over the challenging times to where this all might lead.

In this future utopia, a few things stuck out to me:

  • Again, we have a population of about a billion people (ouch, but great by the end…)

  • Humanity has a new relationship with life and death (which makes sense based on the first point)

  • Bloodlines are less important than we perceive them to be at this time in history (yes JD, even childless cat ladies are capable of caring about future generations)

  • Spirituality and technology are merged in ways it’s hard to fathom now (crystals! or whatever…I don’t actually know)

  • Humans generally have a more cosmic understanding of our place in the universe (get ready for hours of astrology talk, Mike)

I’m going to be honest. Some of the nuances in the first three bullet points will rub folks the wrong way. They won’t totally understand the vision, and they’ll be taken further from a grounded, helpful understanding of this time in history. So I’m not going to go into details. Just know that we will continue to experience major shifts in consciousness in these areas.

What I do want to circle back to, however, is the complete coherence of technology and spirituality. In this new era, they are in many ways one and the same. 

This vision runs counter to a current narrative gaining strength: That life as we know it will dissolve in disaster and only those who know ancestral skills will survive. That returning to ancestral living will save us. 

In my visions, I do see that ancestral skills are key to our survival over the coming decades. There is so much wisdom still waiting to be reclaimed. 

🧚 Especially when it comes to reclaiming our ability to communicate with the natural world and spiritual allies who support us. This is the real ancestral medicine, folks. 🧚

Yet of equal importance is the understanding that we are not returning to a previous version of life. We are creating a new version. And this new version is possible because of technological innovations that are far beyond what most of us can even comprehend. 

Many people are already there. They’ve had these inventions and innovations for decades. But they have not been allowed to make the impacts we need yet because of darker forces at play. Fortunately, this does not last forever. These technologies do come to light, along with many more that emerge as humanity taps into its creative potential to celebrate life. 

The following is a bit of the unedited channeling:

“As spirit infuses into new tech, this tech reflects more dimensions of reality than you are currently aware of. This is the quantum field many speak of, yet even those speaking on it now are limited in their understanding. Magic might be a more appropriate term for your minds at this time. Yet in the future, this magic is reality. It is harmonious with life. Every technological advance supports life.” 

Insert happy sigh here. How lovely to think of a world where the creative spark of life is valued above greed and power.

With this comes the final piece of the prophecy: There is a return to reverence of the Earth, for she is life. And reverence for the stars, for they are life. 

We have a much better idea of our place in the cosmos.. We are not a solo intelligence on a solo planet —  we are part of a cosmic ecosystem beyond our comprehension. We care for ourselves, our Earth, and our cosmos with holy reverence. 

This probably sounds like some utopic vision that will never really come to pass. But it doesn’t feel utopic to those who are living at this time. 

After all, we are still humans. 

Humans of this era continue to experience frustrations, challenges, obstacles, loss, fear, doubt, and all the hardships we face today. Yet when I feel into this time, there is a greater capacity to be with challenge. There is more flow and grace and freedom and support in meeting challenge. 

It’s human, and it’s different.

What does all this mean for us humans who are here now? 

If things feel confusing or contradictory, it’s a good sign that you’re engaging with the exact questions you need to asking. 

Awareness that things are legitimately different, that we’re not simply repeating the past though we can learn from it, invites us to more fully embrace our own spiritual evolution at this time. 

Awakening consciousness in these times asks how we can…

  • Integrate seemly diverse and contradictory yet also resonant and helpful spiritual teachings into a coherent whole

  • Cultivate greater discernment in a world with so many distractions 

  • Remain open and permeable to spirit without losing our sense of self and grounding in reality

  • Connect with spiritual beings and energies without overwhelming our sensitive systems

  • Tend our animal bodies and nervous systems in the face of so many pollutants and the artificial pace of modern life

  • Return to partnership with the natural world while knowing this way of life will look different than it did to our ancestors

  • Stay connected to hope, love, and unity in the face of ongoing division and distraction

  • Remember who we really are, and what we’re truly capable of as spirits on Earth

Tap into the unified field where all matter originates

Perhaps the most important skill we can cultivate is to face what is true while holding and co-creating our most inspired visions for the future.

A lot of folks angry or resistant when I share some of the darker awareness I have. They think I’m being overly pessimistic or putting too much attention on what I don’t want instead of what I do.

For me, ignoring what’s true, including the darkness, isn’t helpful. Our bodies know when we’re lying to ourselves, and it’s not good for us. But maybe that’s just my Scorpio talking.

Because at the same time, these Pollyannas are not wrong: We need to keep visioning the most vibrant, life-giving future possibilities we can.

Our minds hold incredible power. When we align our energy with our focus and invite the divine to support us, we are able to tap into the unified field of energy from which all creation is birthed.

Being alive at this time is an invitation to create something beautiful.

Remember: In all of the changes and challenges, prophecies and possibilities, we are not alone. We are multidimensional beings in a multidimensional universe. The physical threats we see with our eyes are one small piece of a much greater reality.

You are here because the unique challenges and opportunities we face right now seemed so damn exciting to your soul. You wanted to come into this wild world to experience just this craziness! 

You trusted that you would remember your true spiritual nature and make these wild times a bit more loving and healing for all of us. 

So thank you. Thank you for being here and being you. You can do this.

Remember how I mentioned me and my girls chatting for hours about astrology? Well I forgot to mention that I listened to Mike’s entire 3-hour podcast on Ancient Rome while we were on a roadtrip. (This video sums up everything…watch until the end if you haven’t already.)

Double click to interact with video

Another civilization with an interesting trajectory…I guess we both process these crazy times in our own ways ;) 

This amazing, in-depth article is totally free to read! You know why? Because of the subscribers like you who like, share, comment, and just generally let me know that this publication is appreciated. Thank you!

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As I track this general conversation online, everyone seems to agree on one thing: We need community.

Both human and non-human community. Those of us who fair best will have people we love and can count on, but also will be in relationship with our ancestors, guides, and the spirits of the land.

This is why I’m hoping you might like to meet me in person this year :)

This April I’m sharing what might be my only in-person workshop of the year! As I right this, there are only 4 spots left. It takes place in Sisters, Oregon and will be an immersive weekend filled with creating community. With each other, our spirit guides, and the land itself.

Feel the call? Learn more and register here:

Spiritual Rewilding Weekend Immersion

In May, I’m joining several amazing teachers and authors for a 3-day immersive experience in Sedona, AZ. Everyone is welcome! Those who go year after year keep coming back for the community this event brings together. Here’s a link to learn more:

Join Me in Sedona

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