Healing with the Goddess Ma'at
The Egyptian Book of the Dead — Entering the Afterlife
It is said that when you die, the Egyptian Goddess Ma’at awaits at the halls of the afterlife. Here, she weighs your heart against a feather to see if you have passage to paradise…or if you’ll be devoured by a monstrous god.
A feather-light heart is the secret to passing through the halls and judgements of the underworld.
In Egyptian mysticism, the neteru, the gods and goddesses, are both deities and higher truths.
Ma'at represents justice, truth, law, and balance. She is the cosmic principle that maintains order on earth, that prevents chaos from disrupting natural order.
As with many religions’ take on the afterlife, it appears that our lives are judged by some outside source. Grand, powerful beings decide if our sins are too great to enter heaven, or ascend to paradise, or get off the wheel of samsara.
This is a superficial understanding of a much more nuanced and loving truth…
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Judgement Day or Divine Neutrality? A Channeled Message from Ma’at
In my personal spiritual practice, I often channel divine beings. The art of channeling is a full-sensory experience for me, as my body becomes attuned to their wisdom and I can feel the cosmic truths shared by the divine.
This weekend, I had the opportunity to channel Ma’at during a shamanic teacher’s reunion with Sandra Ingerman. The love I felt in the presence of this goddess is not something I can describe in human words, and she shared a beautiful perspective on our afterlife judgements — one that we can begin to implement during our lifetimes.
Ma’at shared that in the afterlife, it is not so much that our hearts are weighed on a scale to determine our fates…we are the scales.
We have the power to to shift, release, and transmute any heaviness that does not serve our spiritual ascension.
And even if we choose to do so through being devoured, our feather-light souls emerge renewed.
Simply being in the presence of this goddess is healing, as she witnesses our souls from the perspective of divine neutrality.
Contrary to all the religious tales around judgment day, divine neutrality is the complete absence of any judgment. It’s the ultimate non-dual, unity consciousness state of being. And it’s the most purely and powerfully loving energy I’ve ever experienced.
You may have heard me use this term before — it’s the exact same feeling I get in the presence of Archangel Azrael, another deity who helps souls along their journeys in the afterlife.
It’s no coincidence that the beings who assist our souls in death embody the spirit of divine neutrality: Judgment as we know it is a uniquely human quality. When we die, we realize the perfection and eternal love of all that is.
Perhaps most importantly, Ma’at shared that we do not need to wait for the time of our passing to transmute the heaviness carried in our hearts.
Her divine love is always available to us, always ready to help us remember our own transformative power.
A Meditation for Healing with the Goddess Ma’at
Ma’at shared a visualization that we can do anytime to transmute heaviness and embody a feather-light heart:
Imagine yourself merging with a set of giant, golden scales. On one side is your heart, the other a feather.
Notice the initial balance you experience. How heavy is your heart? What burdens does it carry?
See the darkness and heaviness carried in your heart begin to flow into the feather. As this magical feather absorbs your pain, the energy is immediately transmuted into lightness so the feather never gets heavy.
Continue witnessing and feeling this process until your heart appears as light as the feather.
When complete, feel yourself separate and unmerge with the scales, offering Ma’at gratitude for the healing.
Feel the lightness in your being and see yourself filled with a golden-white light. Allow yourself to rest in this glow before returning to everyday life.
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