How to Boost Your Immune System with Essential Oils

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Remember to check out my comprehensive list of immune-boosting essential oils.

How to Use Essential Oils for Respiratory Health and Immune Support


Make your own anti-infectious diffuser blend to get rid of airborne microbes. If the room is well-ventilated, feel free to enjoy the aromas. But, the germ-killing works best if done in a closed room for a few hours. You do not want to be in this closed room during the diffusion—and you really don’t want kids or pets in the room. Instead, let the room air out a bit before returning to it. 


Sprays can have a similar effect as diffusers, but you can be more targeted in where you use them. I love to mist myself, my sheets, and my man (hehe) often. Sprays are also great for the shower: As soon as your shower starts, mist the entire area with your spray and enjoy the steamy aromas.

Pro Tip: Spray the inside of your mask before you go out in public! Remember the masks from the Black Death? Well, those beaks were full of herbs and spices. You can make yourself an updated version with a homemade mask and essential oil spray. 


Reusable personal inhalers with cotton wicks are easy to find online. These are a great way to support your nasal passages and avoid germs on the go, especially if those around you are sensitive to smell.


Add about 6 drops of essential oils to a bowl of hot water. Close your eyes, place a towel over your head and the bowl, and continue to deeply inhale for as long as you can. Once the water cools, you can stop. 

Important! I’m not kidding about closing your eyes! The steam/EO combo can really sting. 

Massage Oils and Lotions

Add about 6 drops of EOs to 1 Tablespoon of carrier oil (even olive oil will work) to make a massage oil, or use the same ratio with an unscented lotion. Massage into your chest, neck, temples, or sinuses as needed. (Be careful with getting the oils close to your eyes though—even if they don’t get in your eyes, God forbid, stronger oils can still sting a bit.)

Salves & Rubs

Make your own natural version of a vapor rub with essential oils and even menthol crystals. You can easily find instructions online, and I’ll be posting more salve recipes in the future.


There’s nothing like a steamy bath for a congested, achy body. Most of the oils listed here also soothe joints and muscles, so get the steamy soothing going with a hot bath. Mix 6-8 drops essential oils with either a bit of oil or bath salts. Then add to the bath after you’ve finished running it for max therapeutic qualities.

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    Essential Oils for Respiratory Health