the animals among us
wild allies for wild times, my komodo encounter, and our upcoming community workshop on April 5
Times are legitimately wild. And I love wild! If you’ve been here awhile, you know this ;)
But let’s be clear — there are a few different types of wild, and I like some a lot better than others.
Fun aside — a woman recently unsubscribed with a note telling me that she thought my love of the wild was dangerous and misguided…ah the joys of self-employment! What do you think? I’m partial to the idea that everything you read is a Rorschack test for your own psyche ;)
I actually don’t love the wild times we’re in. I would much prefer a world filled with love, peace, and happiness. But this division? The power grabs, lies, violence, and environmental destruction facing us? This wild is rough.
Here’s the wild I do love: the untamed nature of your divine soul. When I say wild, I’m speaking to that part of you that has never been domesticated. That still believes in magic. That knows you are worthy and wonderful beyond belief.
This internal wild is what’s needed to meet the external chaotic wild that seeks to divide and destroy. This wild knows how to love freely, feel fully, and live with the joy of possibility.
How do we access this wild within?
We turn to the wild world around us — the wild spirit of undomesticated nature.
And here’s one of my absolute favorite ways to connect with this wild essence: animals.
The hawk sighted on your morning commute. The whale that appeared in your dreams. Your beloved animal allies, with you all the time.
The spiritual nature of animals teaches us how to reclaim our own wild spirits.
When you learn to read the wisdom in your animal encounters — whether in your own backyard or the spirit world — you tap into a way of being that aligns with your soul. You discover new hidden talents. You experiment with more authentic and healthy ways of living. You listen to whispers of what’s to come and how to respond.
What birds awaken you in the morning? Who lives in the forests around you? Which wild ones fill your dreams? What favorite creatures have been lifelong loves?
Take time to learn about the wild beasts that call to you, and trust the wisdom that arises.
Who are the spirit animals in your life? Do you know who your most trusted animal allies are?
A Story
A “Dragon”
A Heartbreak
A Love
Once I was visiting a zoo in Singapore. I don’t like zoos or visit them now, but at the time I was traveling and that particular experience came highly recommended.
At one point, a komodo dragon was being teased by some kids. “Gross!” “So ugly!” They shouted.
This behavior breaks my heart on so many levels.
Because I know the animals understand more than we think.
And, what has happened to these kids’ hearts to make them behave like this towards a living creature? That so many young ones are being raised without reverence for the great diversity of the natural world is a tragedy, and one we see the consequences of all around us.
As I stood there, gazing a beautiful being trapped in a cage being taunted by children, by broken heart reached out towards the giant lizard.
I love you. My heart whispered. You are so beautiful, and I’m honored to be in your presence. Your sacrifice, living this life in this way, matters. I’m grateful for you and this life you are living.
The komodo dragon turned its head as I spoke these words silently through my heart, making deep and long eye contact with me.
Thank you. I felt.
Calling the wild ones to your own heart.
For those on any sort of spiritual path, there have likely been at least a few key animal encounters in your history.
Ones that shifted how you thought, felt, or experienced the wisdom of the animal world. Ones that guided your path forward in some key way. Ones that let you know you aren’t alone, and you are loved.
I’ve been speaking with animals since I was born (I assume, lol — my earliest memories are from age three, but I was definitely communing with animals by then). And I’ve had a lot of really wild animal experiences….
A seal swam right up to my face, looked me in the eyes, and dove away.
A baby crocodile, only 6 feet away from where I stood, seemed to wink at me.
A magpie landed on my partner’s shoulder before hopping onto mine.
A great horned owl flew from tree to tree in broad daylight with me on a hike.
A mountain goat, usually my friend, tried to run me off the side of a cliff when I told it I was leaving Colorado (probably should’ve paid more attention to that one…).
A cave of glow worms told me that they were just as creepy as they were magical.
Two eagles circled over my yard when I felt I had nothing left to live for.
I’ve heard just as many stories from my clients and friends. When you are sensitive, and when you love the natural world, animals appear.
Interpreting the presence of these animals, however, is another story.
It’s a practice that takes discernment, trust, skill, and heart.
Thank goodness understanding the presence of animals, even communicating with animals, is something that anyone can learn to do.
On April 5th, I’m sharing a LIVE 2-hour workshop that will teach you how to interpret animal omens, begin communicating with animals, identify and meet your own animal allies, and more.
This will be a super interactive workshop, filled with guided practices, sharing, and time for Q&A.
Plus, you get a bunch of goodies when you register ;)
We’ll meet Saturday, April 5th at 9:30am PT — and yes, there will be a replay for those who can’t come live :)
Oh, and in case you’re wondering…this workshop is only $45! Seriously a bargain for a 2-hour live class, 60-page manual, recorded practices, lifetime access, and more.
Learn the art of animal magic 🐾
Why this workshop? Well…
I’ve been giving power animal readings to clients and teaching live workshops all about spirit animals for years now, and I’ve been asked a lot of questions on this topic:
How many power animals can I have?
I saw a raccoon cross the road last night. Do you think it means anything?
What’s the difference between a spirit animal and a power animal?
Can I have a dinosaur as my power animal?
I dreamed about a walrus—what does that mean?
A shaman said I have a bear as a power animal, now what?
As I noticed the same questions coming up again and again, I decided to put my wealth of wisdom and experience all into one place ― an easy to understand workshop that will help absolutely anyone learn how to work with spirit animals.
When you sign up for the live class, you’ll immediately get 3 gifts included with your purchase:
The Spirit Animal Guidebook―The core teachings of this workshop come in a 60-page, beautifully designed PDF guidebook. (Hint: read this first so you can ask questions at the live class!)
A Guided Power Animal Journey―Discover one of your power animals with a 20 minute guided shamanic journey.
A Drumming Track―Enjoy a 10 minute drumming track to use for your own journeys, so you can explore without narration.
Plus, you’ll have lifetime access to everything, including the recording of the live workshop!
I know it’s a bit of a risk offering this workshop right in the middle of eclipse - rx everything season…but I also think this workshop is the perfect medicine for the wild times upon us.
Let’s gather in community, with each other and the spirit world, and connect with the love and wild power that will carry us through the chaos.
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Juniper Stokes is a certified coach, mythoanimist guide, alchemist & artist.