
Rewilding, Sacred Aromatics juniper stokes Rewilding, Sacred Aromatics juniper stokes

Wildcrafting with Fireweed

Every late July and through August, the mountain meadows are dotted with neon pink blossoms. It's fireweed season ❤️ Both medicinal and edible, fireweed is one of the first plants to come back after wildfires. I've heard that the young shoots can be eaten like asparagus, though I've never tried. I do decorate summer salads with the blossoms, though…

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Spirituality, Astrology juniper stokes Spirituality, Astrology juniper stokes

The Age of Aquarius & Psychic Protection

As we collectively shift into the Age of Aquarius, the vibrational density of our planet is changing. Our own density is changing. It’s becoming easier for us to connect with various realms of the multidimensional world we live in―and the many beings who inhabit those realms. What does this mean, and what additional protection might be needed?

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Spirituality juniper stokes Spirituality juniper stokes

Reimagining Valentine’s Day - How does the divine feminine view this day of love and romance?

Valentine’s Day. Of all the holidays, this one seems to elicit such diverse reactions. It can be tempting to write off Valentine’s Day as an over-commercialized holiday that upholds patriarchal gender roles and relationship standards. But there is so much energy behind this day, centuries of energy, all focused upon February 14th as a day of love and romance. How can we harness this energy?

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