
Rewilding, Sacred Aromatics juniper stokes Rewilding, Sacred Aromatics juniper stokes

Wildcrafting with Fireweed

Every late July and through August, the mountain meadows are dotted with neon pink blossoms. It's fireweed season ❤️ Both medicinal and edible, fireweed is one of the first plants to come back after wildfires. I've heard that the young shoots can be eaten like asparagus, though I've never tried. I do decorate summer salads with the blossoms, though…

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Rewilding, Sacred Aromatics, Wellness, Recipes juniper stokes Rewilding, Sacred Aromatics, Wellness, Recipes juniper stokes

Simple Tricks to Add More Health-Boosting Herbs into Your Daily Routine

I think most of us are facing the first truly global pandemic of our lifetimes. This can feel scary, and it’s so new that we don’t really know what will work or not. But, we can take general actions to boost our immune systems and fortify ourselves for the times to come. Here, I’m sharing a bit of my personal daily daily routine for wellness with herbs.

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