
Rewilding, Spirituality juniper stokes Rewilding, Spirituality juniper stokes

Mythoanimism: An Emerging Spirituality

Every day, more people are awakening to our interconnectedness, the symbolic language of the universe and the divine, the spiritual gifts within each of us, and the importance of cultivating a strong relationship with the natural world. Now, with both religions and alternative spiritual communities dissolving, as we live in times of collective reckoning around power dynamics and the crises facing our mother earth, a few important spiritual trends are emerging…

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Sacred Aromatics juniper stokes Sacred Aromatics juniper stokes

A Guide to Natural Perfume Fragrance Families

Fragrance families are scent classifications used in perfumery, and each family has its signature ingredients and overall aroma. In this article, we’ll cover the main classifications of fragrances—though to be fair, there are several different versions of fragrance categories out there and no one seems to agree on a definitive version.

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Spirituality juniper stokes Spirituality juniper stokes

Discernment on the Spiritual Path: How to Protect Yourself in Unknown Territory

How do you navigate all the information, teachers, and experiences we find in the spiritual realms? How do you know who to trust or what to believe? What does it mean when spiritual teachings conflict with each other? Discover how to activate your inner knowing, protect yourself from outside influences, and deepen your personal spiritual practice.

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